Monday, June 22, 2009

Genital Warts More Contagious With An Outbreak

Basketball: Selective Selection

In approximately 1 month, Bolivia will meet the Selection of Basketball for Rua to represent it in the 1st. Championship World "Rua basketball" held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in November.
The Selective will be conducted initially in the cities of Sucre and Santa Cruz respectively. Athletes receiving the most diverse places in our country, these cities are going to present to others in the Selective Cultural activities Suburban, which include the Hip Hop, Break Dance, Graffiti, some sports like Soccer and Skate Street . Sucre
The event will be presented by renowned artist, YOGI 13, Sucre Bolivia Coordinator and Events Coordinator-Bolivia Culture Suburban CUFA. YOGI 13, says that Sucre Selective athletes receive the western regions of Bolivia, to be held between 11 and 12 July.
In turn the event in Santa Cruz will be in charge of an international figure, the Aldo bboy Estigarribia, also known as ALBY. He is Coordinator of suburban culture CUFA-Bolivia, besides being the National Coordinator CUFA Paraguay. ALBY informs us that the Selective Santa Cruz will take place on July 17, with the close cultural event "CUFA SUBURBAN", where there will be presentations by Groups Hip Hop National Cockfighting (MC's), Break Dance Santa Cruz , International Graffiti, skates and the star presence of the Bolivian National Street Soccer Association-led Culture and Sport San Isidro (ACDSI).
Registration will be open from June 27, and the requirements to participate in it are:

1. Photocopy of Identity Card and / or Passport.
2. Availability for training during the month of October.
3. Willing to travel to Brazil from 30 October to 6 November.

For further information contact:

Sucre: YOGI 13 - Tel: 761 13 325 Santa Cruz

: ALBY - Tel: 770 05 125

CUFA Bolivia

Cesar (591) 770 7399 0
(591) 739 79090. CUFA

Monday, June 1, 2009

Heart's Been Touched By Christ

Bolivian Invitation Letter: Global "Rua basketball" - Street Basketball

Bolivia is proud to welcome Letter of Invitation to the 1st. World "Rua basketball" or Street Basketball, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in November.
The invitation formalized, is the work of the Lord Celso Athayde, the highest representative of this organization. CUFA
Network International has presence now of 2 South American countries, Chile and Bolivia - the Chilean brothers who practice this sport to more than 9 years are major participants in this event, to be considered favorites.
The Bolivian National Basketball Street, should be defined at the end of July, after a series of selective a priori will be made in the cities of Sucre, La Paz and Santa Cruz, respectively.
are expected to attend more than 200 people will be judged according to their skills inside and outside the court. The city of Sucre
lives and this expectation is being promoted by Alejandro Larrazabal, better known as Yogi 13. Through a radio program where it operates, YOGI 13 promotes this event.
for Bolivia is the opportunity to highlight their sporting qualities, which often lack social and economic support are not adequately explored.

Attached Letter of Invitation.

DATE: May, 2009
OF: Mr. Celso Athayde
TO: Mr. Cesar Cronenbold
REF.: World Championship "Street Basketball"
FAX: Estimated

Sres. CUFA Bolivia,

Street Kings - CUFA tiene el pleased to invite el Equipo del "Street Basketball" to participate CUFA Bolivia en el World Championship of Basketball in the Street - "Street Kings" en Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Please

información sobre el encuentro event above.

Comisión: ocho (8) of jugadores + (2) official.
Note: todos los jugadores deben be Ciudadanos del country ellos represent.
Site: Madureira - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Dates: October el31 November 5, 2009.
Participants: Eight (8) National Teams "Rua basketball" to obey all the requirements for the respective dates and are bumped standards accepted by LIBBRA / CUFA
Date of Arrival: the October 30, 2009
Official Training: the __ November 2009
Departure Date: 05 and November 6, 2009

Reis da Rua - CUFA (Organizer) obligations, the date of arrival to departure date:
1. five (5) double;
2. three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner);
3. airport / hotel / site - local transport
4. medical and accident insurance;
5. Doctor of medical care and ambulance on site during the official practice and games;
6. (10) air tickets (economy class) _________ / Rio de Janeiro / _________

OBS.: The organizers are not liable for any extra hotel (eg phone bill, drink, washing, etc.).

OBLIGATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS 1. submit the names of members the delegation to the August 1, 2009.
2. attend the Technical Meeting on the date (TBD) to discuss the tournament rules and regulations;
3. attend formal training sessions;
4. meet the press for interviews after practice and match play (when there is a request);
5. attend a social function with sponsors and the press (when there is a request).

Citizenship - may register only players who hold the citizenship of the country they represent to participate in the World Championship of Basketball in Rua - Reis da Rua. They must present a valid passport or other authentic document as evidence.

OBS.: International TV rights are owned by the CUFA.

Please sign below that you agree with the above conditions and request participation made by fax (+55 11) 3034 6040.

Greetings, I agree,

Mr. Celso Athayde
Mr. Cesar Cronenbold
Reis da Rua - CUFA Reis da Rua - CUFA Bolivia