As every year, on October 12 Zaragoza celebrates one of the most important English festivals "Hispanic Heritage Day is also jointly Pilar Party." The festivals dedicated to Pilar usually begin a few days earlier and last nearly a week. This year, as is a tradition of previous years the festival of Pilar began a few days before and the day October 10 between the various associations was dedicated to the Day of Russian Culture in Aragon.
12 октября в Сарагосе said one of the most important annual English holiday, National Day of Spain, combined with a celebration dedicated to the Virgin Pilar. "Celebrations dedicated Pilar usually begin several days before October 12 and lasts almost a week. This year has become a tradition in these celebrations 10 октября различные ассоциации отметили День русской культуры в Сарагосе.
In Zaragoza long since the Russian world is represented by two associations are called "Arka" and "Souza." With its many cultural activities, social work, aid to immigrants from East and a great development of Russian folk group "Kupalinka" the gente española y rusa de Zaragoza y provincia les conocen muy bien y con mucho gusto asisten las fiestas organizadas por estas dos Asociaciones.
Zaragoza Russian community for several years, is represented by two associations: "Arch" and "Union." Due to their active in the field of culture, social work, assistance to immigrants from Eastern Europe and the emergence of Russian folklore ensemble "Kupalinka" Spaniards and Russians living in Zaragoza and the province, are perfectly familiar with their work and pleased to attend celebrations organized by the two associations.
This year, thanks to the kindness of the President of Association "Arka" Irina Saksybaeva our Association represented by its President Antonio Rodriguez and Secretary Irina Gorkov had a good opportunity to attend the celebrations of Pilar in Zaragoza and specifically participate in the Day of Russia.
В этом году, благодаря любезному приглашению президента ассоциации "Арка" Ирины Saksybaevoy, representatives of our association is represented by its president, Antonio Rodriguez and Secretary Irene Gorkovoy participated in the Day of Russian culture, and также посетили празднования, посвященные Пилар
Coming to the Plaza Zaragoza Pilar went to see the preparations that were making associations to celebrate the Day on the square occupied Associations 2 tents where they were presented typical Russian "matreshki" , ikony discs, "Kupalinka" and so on. A part of the Russian Association had tents in the square and workshops of other international associations, Arab, African Latin, etc.
Приехав in Zaragoza, we headed to the area of \u200b\u200bPilar, which hosted the training of associations for the holiday. The two tents set on an area associations, were presented Russian national products such as dolls, icons, writing Kupalinka etc. Besides the Russian association, on the square were presented to the tents and workshops various other international associations of the Arab, Latin American and some other countries.
La celebración de Día de Rusia empezó Irina Saksybaeva invitando a todos los presentes al "Taller de Caligrafía". Fue muy interesante y trajo la atención a mucha gente española que querían probar de escribir su nombre y otras palabras en Cirílico.
Day celebrations began with an invitation to Russia Irina Soktybaevoy all present to take part in the Calligraphy lessons. Lessons were great success and attracted many Spaniards who might want to learn how to write your name and other words in Cyrillic.
Luego hicieron una degustación de la comida típica rusa invitando a comer "bliny", "oladushki s vareniem", distintos tipos de dulces, típicos rusos y etc. Como ya entendéis la degustación no duro mucho y "russkie bliny" estaban desapareciendo muy rápido.
then went wine tasting traditional Russian dishes. Pancakes, pancakes with jam, various kinds of sweets - as you know, tasting was held at an accelerated pace, and within a few minutes Russian pancakes have simply disappeared.
Pero el plato más fuerte e inolvidable estaba esperando al público mas adelante, ya todo el mundo estaba esperando con impaciencia. Por fin, llego el momento y la Presidenta de "Arka" Irina Saksybaeva anuncio el número siguiente del programa que fue el espectáculo del grupo folklórico "Kupalinka" dirigido por Gala Bogdan.
But the climax of the holiday was yet to come. Finally, there came this long awaited moment, and President of Arch Irina Soktybaeva announce the next item on the program, which was a performance ensemble Kupalinka "under the leadership of Gala Bogdan.
Al escenario empezaron subir los artistas del grupo en trajes muy bonitos típicos rusos. Irina Saksybaeva, que hacia el papel de la Maestra de Ceremonia explico al publico el contenido de las canciones que querían and then began singing the show. Turning back we saw the Plaza was crowded, a lot really. And the truth, it was worth because it was a beautiful show, the choir sang very well sending positive energy to the public. After the dance group began to dance, even pulling people out of the public. He was very funny and very lively.
На сцену поднялась группа артистов в очень красивых русских народных costumes. Irina Saksybaeva serving in the role of leading the ceremony, explained to the audience the meaning of the songs that will be performed by an ensemble, and the presentation began. Turning around, we found that behind our backs already gathered a huge number of spectators who filled the square. And, of course, the view was worth it: speech was a great success, the choir sang well, charging the audience with positive energy. After the singing department, appeared on the stage dancers, who even called on the scene a few brave souls. Everyone was very fun, and the audience visibly rejuvenated.
Aquí publicamos algunas fotos de la fiesta rusa en Zaragoza.
We publish a few photos with the Day of Russia in Zaragoza.
Administration Association.
Secretaria de Asociación
Irina Gorkova