Sunday, January 10, 2010

Newf Landseer Or Ect Landseer

Chinese New Year Celebration 2009 - Year of the Ox

The ox, looking powerful and clear conscience, confident in your abilities and focused on his duties, is a monument temperance, does everything in due time and the way he considers best, obtaining success most of the time.
Highly intuitive, you know that there are times when he says the soul is worth more than the right, understands that the real strength is in the rapture of the moment but in the ability to stand firm in one direction. To get to where they want tend to take things in time, for step by step, doing better than running like a madman.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

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New Lions Baptism - January 2009

All Leon has to be blessed just before his first dance, this ritual, perhaps the most important in the Lion Dance, is called Baptism of the Lions and is given only once during the life of Leon.
Following tradition, this baptism must be performed by a teacher of great renown, and in any case, the most prominent member of the town.
This ceremony, named "Today Guong" in Cantonese, or "Kai Guang" in Mandarin means "Making Light", is intended to strengthen the magical power of the lions so ensure the effectiveness of the blessings shared.
This time we were excited to perform the Baptism of the new Lions brought from China.