Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can You Have Shingles On Your Elbows


In CUFA Bolivia, the mother also has its place, as she is and will always be an inspiration for many of the coordinators of Bolivia at CUFA.

Congratulations for giving us life ...

Although we know that every day are they (the mothers), in this May 27 and in those who will leave our little emotional contribution to our BLOG.

"Do not understand, just love them ..."

Bolivian Moms, congratulations!

A sincere appreciation of all people that is part of CUFA Bolivia.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mobile Office Van Conversions Toronto Canada

FESTIVAL ESPERANZA EN ZARAGOZA / Hope Festival to celebrate the 65 Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War

On May 15 the troupe Association Russian Cultural Fedor Dostoevsky traveled to Zaragoza to participate in the Festival of Hope 65 Years dedicated to the Second World War. Many associations have participated in the Festival of Russian Zaragoza from different cities in Spain such as Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bZaragoza, Tarragona, Valencia, Malaga, Marbella, Figueras, Girona, Logroño, Pamplona y etc para unirnos allí en un evento cultural haciendo presentaciones de cantos, bailes típicos y obras teatrales.

May 15 theatrical group the Association of Russian Culture. Fyodor Dostoevsky went to Saragossa to take part in the Festival of Hope, dedicated to celebrating the 65 anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War. The Festival in Sarragose attended by a large number of Russian Associations from different cities in Spain, among whom were Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCaragosa, Tarragona, Valencia, Malaga, Marbella, Figueres, Chiron, Logroño, Pamplona etc. Creative teams of the Association gathered in Zaragoza at this cultural event to present itself in three categories: songs and dances about the Great World War II, Russian folk songs and dance and drama studios.

Embajador de la Federación de Rusia en Madrid Aleksandr Kuznetsov saludó a todos los presentes y con su discurso de bienvenida inaguró el Festival.

El grupo teatral de la Asociacion Rusa Fedor Dostoievski

Para organizar un event in this category Festival organizers had to do a large volume of work to develop a measure of these characteristics and developed to perfection. Therefore, above all, the Association would like to thank all the organizers of "Festival of Hope" such as the Associations of Zaragoza ARCA and Souza, the Coordination Center of the Russian Association in Spain, the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Madrid, personally Ambassador Aleksandr Kuznetsov, City of Zaragoza and Aragón Government for their support and assistance in organizing the First Festival of Hope of All Russian Associations in Spain. Un agradecimiento especial damos al líder y el alma de la Asociación "ARCA" de Zaragoza Irina Saksybaeva ya su equipo que perfectamente ejecuto todo el trabajo de organización.

to organize this event, the organizers had to work hard to achieve success coordinating activities of such a large scale at the highest level.
Therefore, first of all, on behalf of the Association of Russian Culture Fed Dostoevsky from Tarragona and would like to express my gratitude to all organizers of "Festival of Hope, saragoskim Association ARCA and the Union, the Coordinating Council, the Embassy of the Russian Federation and personally Russian Ambassador Alexander Kuznetsov, Municipality of Zaragoza and the Government of Aragon for help and support in organizing and conducting First Festival of Russian Association of Spain. Special and heartfelt thanks go to the leader and soul of the Association ARKA Irina Saksybaevoy and all saragoskoy team that clearly and consistently thought out and done all the incredible job of organizing and coordinating the activities of such a significant уровня.

The folk group "Kupalinka" Zaragoza

As representations of the Russian Association in Spain we would like to reflect that there were many interesting activities. Unfortunately we have not seen all the performances because we were busy preparing our own. Among the actions we have been impressed us the following groups: The folk group "Kupalinka" Zaragoza, Association "Arim" of Madrid, the school for "Raduga" in Barcelona, conjunto folclórico "Vecherinka" de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAsociación "Aries" de Valencia.

With regard to presentation of the Russian Association from all over Spain, we would like to note that the program was intensive and was Many interesting presentations. Unfortunately, we could not see all the performances, because we were busy preparing for our exit. Among those creative teams that we were able to see the greatest impression on us made the following groups: folklore group from Zaragoza "Kupalinka 'Association "Harim" in Madrid, Children's School "Rainbow" from Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBarcelona ensemble of "party", Association "Harim" from Valencia.

Nuestro grupo teatral de la Asociación dirigido por Valeria Korolkova presento en el Festival la versión corta de 2 episodios de la Obra "El Idiota" escrita por Fedor Dostoievski. No era la primera vez cuando el grupo presentaba dicha Obra que ya tuvo un éxito especial en su externo durante la CENA de GALA dedicada a 189 años del nacimiento de escritor que fue en Noviembre 2009.

Theatre Group of our Association, led by Valerie Korolkova presented at the Festival short version of 2 episodes of a theater production of "The Idiot", the novel FM Dostoevsky. This is not the first time a theater group presents this formulation, already had well-deserved success at its premiere in November 2009 during a gala dinner celebrating 189 anniversary of the birth of the writer.

Según the opinions of the people and the compliments we received after the show in Zaragoza representation of the Work "The Idiot" had another successful and liked the general public. We have also received congratulations from government agencies and Escmo personally. sr. Ambassador of the Russian Embassy in Madrid Aleksandr Kuznetsov, who had a conversation with our President Antonio Rodriguez after the show.

Учитывая мнения присутствующих на Фестивале Zaragoza and congratulations we have received theatrical production "The Idiot" again was a success and achieves the public's attention. Also, we have Greetings from official circles and in person from the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Madrid, the distinguished Alexander Kuznetsov, which our President Antonio Rodriguez talked after the show.

Gracias a un excelente trabajo y la creatividad por parte de la Directora de teatro Valeria Korolkova el grupo teatral sigue avanzando y llego a tener los buenos resultados y un éxito merecido en la representación de la Obra "El Idiota" en Zaragoza.!

excellent work and creative activity, Director of the Theatre Valerie Korolkova theater group continues to develop successfully and has achieved good results and deserved success to interpret theatrical production of "Idiot" in Zaragoza.

Por otra parte hay que reconocer el esfuerzo de cada actor / actriz del grupo que a pesar de no ser profesionales (la mayor parte del grupo) han llegado a tener muy buenos resultados, perfectamente desarrollando sus papeles en la hora de representación.

On the other hand, we should recognize the efforts of each actor / actress theater group, because despite the fact that most groups are not professionals, our artists, members of the Association. Dostoevsky could achieve good results in the interpretation of their roles during the performance.

De parte de Asociación damos las gracias personales y especiales a NUESTROS ACTORES:

by the Association, we heartily congratulate our АРТИСТОВ:

1. Valentina Mironova who has played very well the role of Nastacia Filiovna - VALENTINA BRAVO!
2. Roberto Puigdeval has playing very well the role of Prince Myshkin - ROBERTO BRAVO!
3. Antonio Rodriguez is playing very well the role of Rogozhin - ANTONIO BRAVO!
4. Fernando Murillo has been performing perfectly well the role of General - FERNANDO BRAVO!
5. Beloborodov Elena has playing very well the role of Aglaia. - ELENA BRAVO!
6. Liubov Zlobin has playing very well the role of women in the General - LUBA BRAVO!
7. Alexander Zlobin has been interpreted very While the role of Ganya Ivolgin - ALEXANDER BRAVO!
8. Natalia Kronen has playing very well the role of Knyaginya Belokonsky - BRAVO NATALIE!
9. Chia Antonio Fernandez who has played very well the role of the writer - ANTONIO BRAVO!

theater group compared with the Director to deserve applause SPECIAL FOR YOU by the performance of the play "The Idiot" in Zaragoza!

Театральная Группа Ассоциации вместе со своим Директором SPECIAL deserved Applause in his honor for the submission of "Idiot" in Zaragoza!

publish photos of our theatrical presentation

In this representation of the work we have introduced a new role that perfectly Aglaia was performed by Elena Beloborodov we have a pleasure to have as the only professional actress nuestro grupo. Fue la primera vez que Elena actúo representando un personaje del "Idiota" y desde luego tuvo éxito en desarrollo de su papel de Aglaya.

in theatrical productions of The Idiot, as shown in Zaragoza, a new role Aglaia, which played perfectly Elena Beloborodov, the only professionally actress, who graduated from the University and to our great delight, part of the theater group Association. This was the first time Helen took part in the production of "Idiot" and remarkably acted as a "Aglaia."

La Sala de Actos de Centro Cívico de Zaragoza estuvo absolutamente llena de gente, igual nos quedamos cortos si decimos que había between 300-400 people. Given that the room was big, crowded and was technically well prepared to act with microphones but did not have adequate acoustics and has a theater to act without microphones we encounter the problem of sound which did not reach the last row the Board. Was the only small problem that we have in mind for the next steps of the theater group.

Актовый Зал Городского Центра в Сарагосе был переполнен и по likely to present at least 300 - 400. Large in size hall filled with people and very technically equipped to act with mikrafonami, unfortunately, did not have good acoustics, typically found in the theater in which actors perform without microphones. In this connection, the audio was not distributed evenly across the hall and into the ranks of the Hall of posledniz virtually nothing had been heard. It was the only inconvenience that we consider in our next performances theater group.

believe that Prime Zaragoza Hope Festival was successful and we support the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing this festival every year in Zaragoza. The Russian Association Festival in Spain will help unite and feel a great and friendly family and of course will raise the level and prestige of Russian Culture in Spain. Мы считаем

, что Первый Фестиваль Надежд прошел успешно and support the organization's annual Festival of Hope in Zaragoza. This festival will help us all to unite, to feel big and friendly family and will undoubtedly lead to raising the level and prestige of Russian Culture in Spain!

Irina Gorkova / Irina Gor
Secretaria de Asociación

Redactado por Antonio Rodríguez