Organizers: Dip. Diana Maffia and Dip. Rafael Gentili
Date: Tuesday May 10, 2011 18:00 pm.
Place: Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires
18:00 Presentation
Leg. Diana Maffía
Leg. Rafael Gentili
Leg. Martin Hourest
18:30 Panel:
• Lisandro D. FERRÁLIA. Single Entity President of Regulatory Utility CABA
• Paula Oliveto Lago. General Auditor - General Audit of the City of Buenos Aires
• Gerardo Gomez Coronado - Deputy Ombudsman for the People of the CABA
• Jaime Farji - Former Deputy Receiver's Office
Moderator: Eduardo Faierman. Director General, Commission of Decentralization and Citizen Participation
19:30 Debate
20:00 Close
• Diana Mafia. Legislator of the City of Buenos Aires
• Rafael Gentili. Legislator of the City of Buenos Aires
CABA's Constitution stipulates in art. 128 which communities take concurrently with the PE "oversight and control of the rules on use of public spaces and ground them assigned by law "and" ... the exercise of police power in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Commune and they shall by law determine. " It also provides their "participation in the planning and control of services."
These constitutional requirements were gathered by the Communications Authority Act No. 1777 in its Section 11 inc. a. and c. Also art. 4 º establishes general principles of decentralized governance "decentralization of the control function" - inc. b. - And "community monitoring of executive management at the local level" - inc. f. On the other hand inc. b. Art. 35 º included among the functions of the Community Advisory Board "To monitor, assess community management and monitoring compliance with the proper provision of public services provided by the Executive in the community."
Unlike the treatment of the Law of Municipalities to other concurrent jurisdiction in the case of the functions that we take forward in the regulation making it compulsory to have in each community with a Community Management Area to be "implement the organization of the inspectorate" and "steering committee involving community service"
Sin duda, la implementación del régimen comunal a partir del 10 de Diciembre de 2011 propone la oportunidad de rediscutir los mecanismos tradicionales de funcionamiento de estas áreas sensibles de la gestión del gobierno local y la necesidad de que esta nueva instancia de Gobierno Comunal cuente con las herramientas necesarias, tanto en lo que hace a los recursos materiales como a la posibilidad de innovar, para profundizar la participación vecinal en estas cuestiones.