Monday, November 30, 2009

Depression Intervention


The Saturday, November 28, and the restaurant La Platja, Tarragona, there was the traditional dinner and tribute to Fyodor Dostoevsky and celebrates a partnership . Constituida hace dos años, con este nombre y en memoria del escritor ruso.

Saturday, November 28 at the restaurant «PLATJA» Tarragona, already held a traditional, festive evening dinner, posvyashenny 188-th birthday русского писателя Федора Достоевского, который проводится Ассоциацией уже второй год.

On November 28th, the restaurant on the beach, Tarragona, held the traditional evening with a dinner in honor of Fyodor Dostoyevsky and celebrates a partnership. Incorporated does not even two years with this name in memory of the writer.

Nearly a hundred people, including members and supporters, gathered around the table occupied by Antonio Rodriguez, president of the Association, Vice President Ratu Victoria, Irina Gorkov, secretary, and as guests of honor, Eudal Roca, County Council President Dmitry Abashkin Tarragonés and Vice Consul of the Russian Federation in Barcelona and the lawyer José Luis Sarmiento Association.

Почти сто человек, члены Ассоциации и ее сторонники, wishing to join the Russian culture, united at one table, headed by Antonio Rodriguez, president of the Association, Victoria, Rotary, Vice-President Association, Irina Gorkovoy - Registrar and as the guests of honor, Eudaldom Roca, president of Conseil Komarkal Tarragones, Dmitry Abashkin, Vice-Consul Российской Федерации в Барселоне и Хосе Луисом Сармьенто, Адвокатом Ассоциации .

With almost almost a hundred people including members and supporters gathered around the table where there was Antonio Rodriguez, president of the association, Gorkova Irina, Secretary, Victoria Rataru, Vice-president of the association and, as guest of honor, Eudal Rock County Council president of Tarragonès, Dimitry Abashkin Vice-console Russa Federation in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bil'advocat de l'associació Jose Lluis Sarmiento.

A part of the Partners and Supporters Dinner attended by representatives of other Russian Association ARCA of Zarragoza - Viktor and Elena Chertkovy. Association with whom we have cultural exchanges.

Помимо Членов Ассоциации и ее сторонников на Ужине присутствовали representatives of other Russian Association "arch" of Zaragoza, with whom our Association works in the field of cultural exchanges

També van assistir els representants de l Associació Russa "ARCA" de Zarragoza - Viktor y Elena Chertkovy.

Antes de la cena, el Presidente, tras saludar a los asistentes, esbozó brevemente las actividades llevadas a cabo por la Asociación a lo largo del año.

Before dinner, the President delivered a welcome speech, spoke about the progress работе в течение года.

sopar Abans of the President will greet als assistents i will comment breument terme les activitats durant cover artist to Aquest any.

As a preview received the news through Rock Edual the secretary to the immigration of the Generalitat of Catalonia, ERC Oriol Amorós, with which our President, during the presentation of the Covenant National Immigration discussed the problems that exist in the validation of degrees, in this case to the Russians, and as was expected Government grounds for the opening of a department, inside of the first month of the year to come, to guide the presentation of the answer in documentation and accelerate approvals of topics, news very well welcomed by the attendees.

the first time, received from the hands of the Rock Eudal message from the Secretary for Immigration of the Government of Catalonia, Oriol Amorós of ERC, which our president, in presenting the National Agreement Immigration was debated at the problems that exist in the recognition of qualifications, in this case with the Russians, and so the Government will proceed as planned opening d'un department of Dins dels primers and Stock mesos Vinent, per guide presentació i accelerate the resposta amb els d'approval it fear, molt ben rebuda notícia assistents pels.

Another important issues was the existence of a draft agreed by the government of Spain and the Embassy of the Russian Federation, in recognition of the Russian driver's license and is awaiting signature, news received by the Embassy. Assisting
courses to improve teaching methods for Russian children 3 to 11 years, the teachers and Valentina Mironova Natalia Sazonov, at the Embassy
Finally the trip to the Vice President, Victoria Rataru, the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Madrid at the annual meeting of the Associations routed by the Russian Embassy guests.

The existing wording of a draft consenssuat by the Government of Spain il'Ambaixada of the Russian Federation, the Russian recognition of driver's license and is awaiting signing, news that was received by the embassy. Vem
attended the teachers, and Valentina Mironova Natalia Sazonov, Russian for children 3 to 11 years, the courses best teaching methods. Finally
the first leg of our Vice-President, Ratu Victoria, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Madrid at an annual meeting of the associations invited by the same Russian Embassy.

Here are the happy parents Helen and George of our new Partner in its first-CENA GALA

Then, the theater group of the Association, led by a professional St. Petersburg theater director Valeria Korolkova, played in Castilian a fragment of the work of Dostoevsky, " The Idiot. " Interpretation very pleasantly surprised the audience, knowing the limited time the theater group has been operating. Although all the artists who participated in the work are not professionals, thanks to the excellent work of the Director and his team of artistic, theatrical presentation was perfect, leaving no person in the room unexposed.

Then, a theater group of the Association, led, of professional producer and director of St. Petersburg - Valerie Korolkova, to spectators presented a piece of theatrical product on FM Dostoevsky's "Idiot". The play was pleasantly surprised and delighted all present, uchityaya, that the theater group was formed recently and had very little time to prepare. Although the majority of artists involved in the play, are not professionals, but thanks to the great work of the director's producer and theater group, the show has earned the highest rating Attendance не оставив никого равнодушным.

THAT FOLLOW, the theater group l'Association, dirigit per Valeria Korolkova, va l'interpret a fragment of Dostoevsky's work, L'Idiot. The interpretation that goes gratament molt als assistents Surprisingly, low temps de l'coneixidors to carry on functioning.

here along with photos published the Programme Gala Dinner was prepared by Ramon Lamas with all artists.

At the end of dinner, the choir of the Association under the leadership of Fernando Murillo, known sang traditional Russian songs, cheerfully accompanied by those present. Fernando Murillo, as always surprised the audience with her beautiful voice that touched everyone's heart. A special touch to the presentation of the choir gave the Russian costumes designed by the Secretary of Gorkov Irina Association.

В конце ужина выступил Хор Ассоциации под the leadership of Fernando Murillo, performing a very emotional few Russian songs, pick-up immediately all those present. Amazingly beautiful Fernando's voice, singing in Russian, as always, do not leave viewers indifferent, having made an indelible impression on them. The special charm of speech Choir gave a colorful Russian folk costumes, pridummannye and executed by the Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor.

Al final del sopar, el cor de l'associació directed by Fernando Murillo, known and sang traditional Russian songs in their original language, accompanied by attendants cheerfully.

Antonio Chia, meanwhile, has impressed all present, first by his beautiful and strong voice on the other singing a song in Russian, although it was announced in the program as a singer of English songs. Then following the program I play several English songs beautifully.

Антонио Чиа просто потряс публику, произведя большое впечатление On the one hand due to its remarkably beautiful and strong voice on the other hand surprised the audience with song in Russian, Although the program he was listed as the singer of English songs. Then magnificently sang several English songs than very pleased with all present.

Antonio Chia cantando las canciones

Para terminar, los asistentes bailaron juntos el "rusheiiok", danza tradicional rusa muy divertida.

In conclusion, all participants in the evening danced together "trickle", a traditional русский танец.

van Ballard Per tots els finalitzar assistents junts the "rusheiiok" traditional dansa.

In short, a joyous evening, within which witnessed the intense pace of work of the association and has excellent reception by members of the Russian community living in Tarragona y pueblos cercanos, así como muchas personas que por una u otra razón, se interesan por la cultura rusa.

So, summing up, we can say that for the year was a great work and confirmation that this well-organized evening that gathered a lot of association members throughout the province of Tarragona, and not only, and the reason for all this one - an interest in Russian culture.

In short, a joyous evening, in which he could see the intense pace of work of the association and the excellent reception that has members residing in the Russian community Tarragona and the surrounding villages, as many people for a reason or another, are interested in Russian culture.

Ramon Lamo

member of the Board of the Association