Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wholsale Needlepoint Pillows

Conferencia de los compatriotas rusos residentes en España en Madrid / Ctranovaya Conference of Russian Compatriots Spain Madrid

November 7, 2009 in Madrid at the Hotel Chamartin, "country held Conference of Russian Compatriots Spain, which sehalis More than 70 delegates. From the Association of Russian Culture. Fyodor Dostoevsky attended the vice-president of the Association of Victoria Rotaru.

El 7 de noviembre 2009 en Madrid y en el hotel CHAMARTIN, se celebró la Conferencia de los compatriotas rusos residentes en España, a la que asistieron más de 70 delegados. Por parte de la Asociación Dostoievski asistió su vicepresidenta Viktoria Rotaru.

the agenda was a performance of the Russian Federation Ambassador to Spain, AI Kuznetsova, and report to the COP on the work of the past year, offering activities for 2010, performance of COP members and delegates from the association.

El orden del día incluía un discurso del Embajador de la Federación Rusa en España, AI Kuznetsov, el informe del Centro de Coordinación sobre el trabajo a lo largo del año pasado, una propuesta de medidas a tomar para el año 2010, intervenciones de los miembros del CS y de los delegados de las distintas asociaciones.

opened the conference with Russian Ambassador to Spain, Alexander I. Kuznetsov, who commented on the central event of the year, March visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Spain. Also touched on the priorities of the Embassy, \u200b\u200bnamely: the problem of Russian driver's license, recognition Diplomas and construction of an Orthodox church in Madrid. Father Andrew gave his assessment of current events and expressed their full participation in all matters касающихся вопросов русской эмиграции.

Under this agenda, opened the conference by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Spain, Igorevich Alexander Kuznetsov, who said the highlight of this year the March visit of President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to Spain. Were also addressed some of the priorities of the embassy, \u200b\u200bnamely the issue of driving licenses Russian recognition of diplomas and degrees and the construction of an Orthodox church en Madrid. Precisamente, el padre Andrei ofreció su apreciación sobre la situación actual y sobre los problemas que preocupan a los inmigrantes rusos.

Report of the Coordinating Council on the work over the past year has opened CC Chairman Bashmakova Svetlana.

La presidenta del KC, Svetlana Bashmakolva, presentó el informe del trabajo realizado a lo largo del pasado año.

She spoke about the work of building and strengthening a unified information system between the organizations providing the organizational assistance, in collaboration with the local English authorities. During 2009, a training seminar on financing of associations, the International Conference Russian language, round table, forms of cooperation between the associations of compatriots and the regions of Russia and the first methodical seminar on Russian language with the support of AS Pushkin and the Embassy of the Russian Federation. Was raised by the problem of citizenship of children of mixed marriages (specifically assisted four families) and the problem домашнего насилия.

In particular, explained the work of creating and strengthening the unique system information between organizations and their cooperation with the local English institutions. Over 2009 came a study seminar on the financing of associations, an international conference on the Russian language, a panel discussion on forms of cooperation between the associations of compatriots and the regions of the Russian Federation. It also held its first seminar on methods of learning the Russian language, with support from the Pushkin Foundation of Madrid. and the Embassy de la Federación Rusa. También fue abordado el problema de la ciudadanía de los niños en matrimonios mixtos (en concreto, se prestó ayuda a 4 familias) y el problema de la violencia doméstica.

In subsequent speeches discussed the problem of information gap among the countrymen and the possible ways to solve this problem. In their statements, many associations have tried to discuss topical issues that affect many of the issues For example, a shortage of Russian textbooks. Most associations have their own schools and Russian language courses and it is no secret that the issue of supplying textbooks and developing methods of teaching is very acute. Member of the Coordinating Council of Gusev to date has developed a unique method of teaching Russian Language and promised that in the near future, the publishing house "Russian world" will help in funding and publishing this material.

En posteriores intervenciones se discutió el problema del vacío informativo between the compatriots living in Spain and the possible ways of solving this problem. The representatives of the associations raised the diverse problems, such as the lack of Russian textbooks. Most associations have their own schools and offer courses in Russian but it's no secret that getting textbooks and teaching methods produce many difficulties. KC member, S. Gusev has developed a unified approach to the teaching of Russian and editorial announced that the Russian world in the immediate future will assist in the financing and editorición of this material.

Все эти и многие Other issues discussed in the morning and after lunch participants chose the new members of the Coordination Council for 2010, taking into account the wishes and comments of all the delegates present. The new year will be important enough for anyone in connection with the fact that in 2011 declared a year of Russian culture in Spain and we everyone should take an active part in promoting and supporting the Russian culture and traditions.

Estas y muchas otras preguntas se discutieron en la primera mitad del día, y después de la comida los participantes en la conferencia procedieron a la elección de los nuevos miembros del KC, Consejo de Coordinación, para 2010, tomando en consideración los deseos y las observaciones of all delegates. The year 2010 will be an important year for several reasons, among others, because it will the YEAR OF RUSSIAN CULTURE IN SPAIN . It is incumbent upon everyone to cooperate actively in the dissemination and support events like this and, in general, Russian culture and traditions.

Председателем Координационного Совета на 2010 год был избран Александр Пеунов, who promised to justify the trust placed in him. In the evening, all conference participants went to a reception at the Russian Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich was held in honor of National Unity Day, Russia, where all representatives of the Russian diaspora once again spoke in a more relaxing ambiance.

Finalmente, fue elegido como presidente del KC, Centro de Coordinación, para el año 2010, Alejandro Peunov, que prometió mostrarse at the level of trust placed in him by members of associations. To close the conference, all participants attended the solemn reception hosted by the Embassy of the Russian Federation's headquarters, on the same date when we celebrate the Day of People's Unity of the Russian Federation, in which all representatives of the Russian diaspora meet in the best environment.

Вице-Президент Ассоциации им.Ф. Достоевского Виктория Ротару / Vicepresidenta de La Asociación F. Dostoievski Viktoria Rotaru.

Russian Ambassador to Spain, Alexander I. Kuznetsov and Vice-President of the Victoria Rotary Acsotsiatsii / Embajador de la Federación Rusa en España, Alejandro Ígorevich Kuznetsov i la Vicepresidenta de La Asociación F. Viktoria Dostoevsky Rotaru.


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