December 20, 2009 The Association of Russian Culture. Dostoyevsky noted our most favorite holiday - Christmas Children's Christmas tree. In a large, festively decorated hall of the City Center of San Pedro and San Pablo in Tarragona, gathered the children and adults, with more than 200 people. That's really had to sweat to the organizers of the holiday, чтобы развеселить всех от мала до велика.
On 20 December 2009 the Russian Cultural Association held Fedor Dostoievskiy our most favorite holiday - The Christmas party for children. In the large and ornately decorated hall of the Civic Center in San Pedro and San Pablo, in Tarragona, met children and adults in total over 200 people. The festival organizers had to work hard to enjoy the guests, from the smallest to largest.

in the organization of the traditional New Year Elki children participated Association Board, led by Association President Antonio Rodriguez, with the active support of the Vice-President of the Victoria Rotary, Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor and the majority of the members of the Association. Teachers Russian language courses and children's theater folk Natalia Sazonova and Valentina Mironova and theater group the Association under the leadership of director-producer Valerie Korolkova prepared an interesting program for the New Year. Especially like to mention the huge contribution decorative artist, a member of the Association of Alexander Zlobin, prepared the Christmas dekaratsii the play, surprised everyone present sleigh of Santa Claus had delivered Christmas gifts to children and with them радость и счастье от приближающегося Нового Года.
The organization of the typical New Year party for children, attended the Association Board, led by President Antonio Rodriguez with the great support of the Vice-President Rotary i Viktoria Secretary Irina Gorkov and most part of the Partners. The teachers of Russian language courses and Russian theater for children, Sazonov and Valentina Natalia Mironova, and the theater group of the Association, led by the director Valeria Korolkova arranged an interesting New Year. Especially, we would reflect a tremendous effort and work done by the Painter-Decorator Alexander Zlobin, a member of the Association, which prepared all the decorations for the Christmas show including the True Sleigh Ded Moroz, who brought gifts for the children and together with them the joy and happiness of the approaching End of the Year.
А вот как всё это было ... своими впечатлениями с нами поделилась member of our Association, the teacher Ludmila Bondar.
Y como sucedió todo esto aquí, nos lo contará la socia de nuestra Asociación, la profesora Liudmila Bondar.
Latecomers were not. Cubs and pirates, princesses and kings, snowflakes and bunnies, gnomes and wolves, squirrels and butterflies filled the assembly hall of the cultural center of San Pedro and San Pablo in Tarragona. To paraphrase a classic, we say that "All mixed up here, and the tails and wings, and ears and swords ...». That's ruscko-English Association of them. Dostoevsky began to celebrate the New Year, the traditional детским праздником!
Nobody was late. The Tigritos and pirates, princesses and kings, snow flake and liebritas, the dwarves and wolves, squirrels and butterflies invaded the room gives acts of the Civic Center in San Pedro and San Pablo in Tarragona. To paraphrase a classic, we say that "all mixed here: and the tails and wings, and ears and swords ...." Thus, the Hispanic Association Dostoievskiy Russian Fedor, began the New Year celebration - with the typical party for children.
Таинственно dropped the curtain, elegantly decorated room, smile and shine in the eyes of those present have created a truly festive atmosphere. Each has brought with it a piece of the New Year. Someone waited so familiar from childhood red-grandfather. Someone was holding my breath, I met white-haired, often seen in books magician, well, the youngest guests of the holiday, as well as friends of the English Association for the first time saw the Russian kind, smiling Santa Claus and the beauty Снегурочку.
enigmatically The curtain dropped, the ornately decorated room, the smiles and the sparkle in the eyes of those present, creating a truly festive mood. Each particle brought the New Year. Anyone who expected to, so well known from childhood, red-cheeked grandfather. Someone holding the breath, was the charming white-haired, often found in fairy tales. Younger guests and friends of the English Association for the first time they saw the good and smiling Russian Ded Moroz and Snegurochka beautiful.
Но встреча This was not such an instant! No sooner had the catchy Bremen Town Musicians meet us with his rock and roll song, as in the hall, out of nowhere, appeared a couple of robbers headed by Atamansha accompanied by a English friend, whose role is superbly played by Natalie Sayapina and Felix Ramos. And they have forgotten these characters in our comfortable holiday? Does Santa Claus really taken hostage? What it turns out, the holiday would not be?
¡Pero el encuentro no fue tan momentáneo! Los Musicians of Bremen naughty yet finished with his song of greeting in the style of rock and roll, and at the same moment, no one knows from where, came a couple of bandits led by the shoulder strap along with his English friend, whose roles splendidly Natalia interpreted Saiapina and Felix Ramos. But what they forgot these characters in our welcoming party? Is it possible that you really have Ded Moroz taken hostage? And this, does that mean no party?
"Да нет же, ребята, у нас есть возможность get him! "- prompted the Bremen Town Musicians. Laughter, joy, unity, friendship - these are the best way to destroy the villainous plans. And then the kids ran collect snowballs, and older kids have shown themselves in the relay. Adverse robbers, seeing how many friends came to the aid of Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, tried охладить их пыл в игре "Море волнуется раз."
"That is, children can get in trouble!" - Suggested the musicians of Bremen. Laughter, joy, unity, friendship is the best way to ruin the most evil plans. And then the little ones ran to pick up the snowballs and the older children were released to the relay. Wicked bandits, seeing how many friends came to help Snegurochka Ded Moroz and tried to cool their ardor in the game "The sea is picándose ".
but tried in vain - they do not have coped with the fervor rebyatni, with cheerful tunes and friendly dance. And when the audience picked up has become a folk song "Born in the Woods Christmas tree, burst into tears beeches-byaki and admitted that they, too, would like to heartily rejoice, and led dances with the guys that are also dreaming about the presents и друзьях.
But they tried in vain - they could not overcome the burning of children, to the upbeat tunes and friendly choir. And when all who were in the room while accompanied by the song "In the forest abetito was born", which became popular song, fell apart in tears and confessed that the bandits would also like to rejoice with all my heart and play the run with children, who also dream of gifts and friends.
Простил, конечно, Дед Мороз robbers. Forgiven and invited to help him in a nice business - distribution of gifts! Our children are also prepared for the holiday and gave adults a lot of good moments and kind of smiles, telling the classic stanzas with imbedded with prihlopom. Some of the surprise songs, and older kids taken out to the public extraordinarily beautiful, though unknown line. I think no one has forgotten "Oladushek! Catalan and English kids, too, cheered and read from the scene образцы "местного" фольклора.
Of course, I forgave Ded Moroz. Forgave them and invited them to help a nice thing - the gift giving! Our children also prepared for the party and handed out to adults many exciting moments and smiles kindly, telling the classic lines, heels and clapping. Some were surprised by the songs and the older children told extraordinarily beautiful verses, but not known. I think no one forgot the verse "Oladushki"! Children catalanes y españoles también recobraron el ánimo y contaron desde el escenario los ejemplos del "folklore local".
Hence, it is true that Santa Claus exists! So kind and friendly, finding time for all. Apparently, with these thoughts down our children from the scene, embracing the gift of hands. And for that we say thank you to the organizers and participants of the Christmas party. Incidentally, the Russian holiday and continued home when we saw a gift such native sweets like "Cow" and toffee!
Entonces, ¡es cierto que Ded Moroz existe! Tan bueno y cordial, que encuentra tiempo para todos. Posiblemente, con estos pensamientos bajaban nuestros niños del escenario abrazando su regalo. Y por ello decimos muchísimas gracias a los organizadores ya los participantes de la fiesta de Año Nuevo. Por cierto, la fiesta rusa continuó en las casas, cuando encontramos en el regalo unos bombones tan entrañables, ¡como "Korovka" e "iriski"!
Ludmila Bondar / Ludmila Bondar
teacher of Russian language, a member of the Association. Fyodor Dostoevsky / Profesora del ruso, miembro de la Asociación cultural rusa F. Dostoievski
Castilian translation: Valentina Mironova

at the celebration were not only small children, but also children and older. All very pleased with Kevin's presentation of Crohn's executive vshego a song with a guitar.
No solo niños pequeños participaron en la fiesta, pero también agunos chicos mayor. A todo el mundo le gusto la presentación musical de Kevin Cronen que la hizo estupendamente tocando la guitarra.