Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Brazilian Waxingkilleen, Tx

Chinese New Year - Rat 2008

According to legend, before his death, Buddha summoned all animals to leave as a legacy his truth and warned them to establish the hierarchy according to animal first come, first through tenth second. Everyone thought they would come first, but the lazy cat did not bother to hurry, because the crafty rat had lied by saying that the meeting had been postponed. The animals thought of waking up early in the morning to come first, but the ox said: "I begin to walk right now because I am very slow." Rat immediately got on his back without him noticing. Upon arrival, the ox was the first animal to appear in the right place, but before he could say anything, the rat jumped on its back and went running to where he was Buddha. He greeted her, and that was how the rat became the first animal of the millennium Chinese Horoscope, and earned the antipathy of cat chases since for deceiving him.


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