Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Do I Put A Lien On A Boat In Florida


February 21, 2010 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bheld a round table of teachers of Russian-English educational organizations, which also took part of the Association. Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Of our Association in a roundtable discussion attended by teachers Natalia Sazonova, Valentin Mironov and Vice-President Ассоциации Виктория Ротару.

On 21 February, held in Barcelona a Round Table of Associations of Teachers of Russian, in which the Association participated Fedor Dostoevsky, represented by Natalia Sazonov, Valentina MIRONOV and Vice President Viktoria Rotaru.

На сегодняшний день the most urgent problem for our fellow countrymen - is the preservation of Russian roots in Spain. Associations organized by Russians together with the Spaniards, especially necessary for those who want to join their children to Russian culture and traditions.

Porque no resulta nada fácil a los residentes en España el mantenimiento de sus raíces rusas, especialmente, en el caso de quienes tienen niños y desean que sus hijos conozcan y aprecien las tradiciones y la cultura rusas.

at the meeting were representatives of "Rainbow", "Birch", "Koloboks", "Compatriots" and our Association. Issues of organization and teaching methods, use of teaching materials, testing and application of new methods, разработанных самими преподавателями в процессе обучения.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Raduga, Berioska, KOLOBKI, and our association SOOTECHESTVENIKI Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Discussed numerous issues, including learning methods, the use of manuals, texts and new systems used by the experts

Particular attention was paid to the problem of teaching adopted in Russia for children with mental disabilities. On the subject made Psychologist Association "Rainbow" Love Bogdanova, which gave guidelines to educate and communicate with this category of children.

Special attention is devoted to the problem of Russian children adopted in the case they are affected by psychological problems. In this case the psychologist intervened Lyubov Bogdanova Raduga Association, which offered its experience and best recommendations for education and good relations of these children.

Хотелось бы отметить, что у разных ассоциаций its problems and its provision of training, but to date the "Rainbow" - the only association that launched the process of learning such a thing as Russian history. Of course, here there are problems with the didactic material, in particular the lack of maps, but the important thing is that kids are trying to bring the history of the State Российского, а это уже немало.

is worth noting that although each association address its own problems, Raduga today is the only association that has devoted special attention to Russian history. Despite the problems associated with materials, and the lack of maps in particular, children strive to learn the history of Russia that is no small thing.

Наша Ассоциация shared their experience and achievements in teaching practice. Education Center at the Association to them. Dostoevsky's works are not so long ago, but every year we improve, we introduce new subjects and techniques and are proud of our successes. For example, this year from early October in our center, in addition to Russian language is taught a new subject - the Russian literature for children, with heart and soul is Valentina Mironova.

Nuestra Asociación tiene bien distribuidas sus responsabilidades educacionales. And although it works for some time, we have improved our organization and we are proud of our successes. For example, in the past year, since October, and besides the Russian lessons, children are taught Russian literature, who teaches with enthusiasm Valentina Mironov.

Валентина Миронова и Наталья Сазонова выступили со своими докладами и рассказали of our theater and New Year holiday for children, which was noted by the meeting participants.

Precisamente, Valentina MIRONOVA y Natalia SAZONOVA intervinieron para explicar a los asistentes a la Mesa Redonda, cómo desarrollan actividades teatrales y fiestas infantiles como la de Año Nuevo.

Association of Compatriots from Barcelona reported on the organization on Feb. 28 Children's Art Festival, which will be performing teams from Russia, where we were graciously invited.

La Asociación SOOTECHESTVENIKI, de Barcelona, \u200b\u200binformó de la celebración el próximo 28 de febrero, de un festival para niños, en el que participarán diversos colectivos venidos de Rusia ya la cual todos estáis invitados .

also interesting and deployed there was a performance of Maria Belova, Coordinator of all associations of Catalonia in the COP. She described her trip to England, work on the organization of children's camps and broached the subject of the confirmation of Russian diplomas of our teachers and other professionals.

Especialmente interesante fue la intervención de María BELOVA, Coordinadora de todas las Asociaciones en Cataluña. María habló de su viaje a Inglaterra y de su trabajo para organizar campamentos para niños y suscitó el tema de los títulos para nuestros educadores y otros especialistas.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all the organizers of the roundtable, in particular the head of the Training Center "Raduga" Natalia Loskutov and Coordinator of all associations of Catalonia Maria Belov, for the initiative and help in organizing such an important and useful meeting exchange of experience among teachers of Russian language, literature and other general subjects. The organization of such events is extremely requires all of us, because only in the process of communication and personal contacts we can improve the working methods, as well as to raise the status of associations and Russian culture in general. After all, we are not indifferent to the future of our children and our own .

Deseamos agradecer particularmente a Natalia LOSKUTOVA, responsable de RADUGA y Coordinadora de las Asociaciones rusas en Cataluña Maria BELOVA, por la organización de este acto in Barcelona.

it is through these personal contacts and the exchange of information how to get strengthen our partnerships are aimed at better understanding of Russian culture. We aim to enjoy and appreciate our friends and our children.

Мы очень надеемся, что количество таких круглых столов будет each time only to grow and are able to attend more and more representatives of various associations and educational centers, who are not indifferent our great and mighty Russian language!

Victoria Rotaru / Viktoria Rotaru,

Vice-President of the Association
Russian Culture. Fyodor Dostoevsky /
Vice Presidente de la Asociacion F. Dostoievski

Russian text editor: Valentina Mironova

Monday, February 8, 2010

Us Series Stream English


Sunday February 7, coinciding with the final day of the winter holiday week "Fiesta Mayor" in Salou, the Hotel Casablanca on the Costa Dorada held their annual Assembly Association of English-Russian Culture. Fyodor Dostoyevsky. At a meeting attended by more than 30 members from 60 major registered on today in the Association. In total, now in its ranks more than 200 people, referring to the children and supporters, anyway close to the Association or participating в её работе.

On February 7, Sunday, coinciding with the last day of the week of the Winter Festival of Salou, was held at the Hotel Casablanca, in this town on the Costa Dorada, the annual meeting which is required by statute, the English-Russian Cultural Association Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The meeting brought together more than 30 members of the 60 that currently are affiliated to it which, along with children and supporters, totaling nearly 200 people in one way or another, are close to the association or engaged in activities it performs.

In the same friendly atmosphere made the first president, Antonio Rodriguez, list and describe the activities undertaken by the Association during 2009.

En un ambiente de camaradería, comenzó el presidente Antonio Rodríguez por dar cuenta de las actividades llevadas a cabo a lo largo del año 2009.

then Secretary of Irina Gor submitted for voting protocol preceding Assembly, which was unanimously approved. Also considered the financial report prepared in detail prior accountant Lorens Servelo and voiced his successor Svetlana Buryanovoy. Unfortunately, the Lorens, wholly absorbed in his successful career as an artist, could not attend the meeting. Fiscal year was closed with a small but expressive surplus, and this indicates that the Association for its small size yet equally well умеет и работать, и контролировать свои фонды.

Secretary, Irina Gorkov to vote on minutes of previous meeting, which was approved unanimously. Also unanimously approved the detailed statement prepared by LLorenç Cervelló and presented by the new head of the treasury as Svetlana Buryanova Llorenç, heavily involved in his successful career as a painter, was unable to attend. The accounts showed a small but significant surplus shows that the association, although small, organiza numerosas actividades y controla bien sus fondos.

In continuation of the meeting was announced date of the Board and raised the question of approving a new, designed to guide the Association over the next two years. In the absence of alternative candidates unanimous opinion of the former was re-elected for another term. President of the Association is Antonio Rodrigues, secretary - Irina Gor'kov and Vice-President - Victoria Rotaru.

Se presentó a continuación la lista de participantes en la junta que dirigirá la Asociación en los próximos dos años que, al no haber candidatura alternativa, fue aceptada también por unanimidad. Seguirá presidiendo Antonio Rodríguez, actuará como secretaria Irina Gorkova y como vicepresidenta Viktoria Rotaru.

Next President Antonio Rodriguez presented a new team for a vote of the Board for the period from 2010 to 2012.

El presidente de Asociación Antonio Rodríguez presento nuevo equipo de la Junta para su reelección en el periodo 2010-2012.

Association President - Antonio Rodriguez
Registrar and the Head of the Education Centre - Irina Gor
Accountant - Svetlana Buryanova
Vice-Secretary - Valentina Mironova
Vice President - Victoria Rotaru
journalist and is responsible for advertising - Ramon Lamas
choir director and music programs - Fernando Murillo
Responsible for the sports programs - Lorens Servelo and Olga Stepanova
programmer and responsible for issues of Informatics - Roberto Pudzheval
Other members of the Board with a vote - Manuel Albiol and Elena Toschev

IT managers - ROBERTO Puigdevall

Новый состав Правления на указанный период был also unanimously approved. Then the President presented the participants with an extensive list of events planned for 2010, among which mean large-scale Holidays with a huge for every Russian values, such as day Russia and the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. We also prepare numerous children's events and excursions to nature in various areas, such as not close enough Catalan Pyrenees border.

La nueva Junta Directiva para años 2010 - 2012 was approved unanimously. The president then turned to anticipate the long list of activities that are planned for 2010, which include the holding of numerous parties with deep meaning for the Russians, as the day of the Fatherland or 65 anniversary of the end of the World War II. Provision is also
many children's parties and some festive outings to various points of interest, including some not so close as the Pyrenees.

В специальной части, отведённой на вопросы и wishes, members of the Assembly have nekotoroye suggestions that with attention and gratitude, took note of the new leadership of the Association.

En el turno de ruegos y preguntas, algunos asistentes hicieron algunas sugerencias de la que tomó nota la nueva dirección de la Asociación.

Thus, I want to emphasize that the Association is formed in the time around a small group of friends, two has reached an intense and dramatic rhythm of activity. As mentioned above, today there are more than 200 people who show themselves in one direction or another, whether it's theater, singing, or kitchen. Separately, we should mention, of course, a school of the Association and learned the Russian language and literature, которые с великим интересом и любовью изучают наши дети.

In short, it is worth noting the intense pace of activity in two years has been a partnership that began about a group of friends. As noted above, to this day are more than 200 people, one way or another, are linked to the Association through several working groups which include leading the theater, singing and cooking . And, of course, which teaches Russian y literatura rusa, a las que asisten con especial interés los niños.

most important achievement of the Association - uniting people on a friendly basis, in its foundation - the spirit of togetherness and unity. Members of her with enthusiasm actively participate in events as close to each interest, cooperation in the Association of harmonious and fruitful; and where not enough material goods to the aid of a good mood and feeling of the shoulder. Who does not believe, even ask the organizers and participants of the gala evening, held annually by the Association in honor of the birthday of Dostoevsky. After all, everyone remembers how much cleaning and good emotions presented to the public in November last года спектакль "Идиот" поставленный по одноимённому роману великого писателя.

And, likewise, the excellent atmosphere that is palpable among partners, members enthusiastically participate in activities that are more congenial, collaboration is excellent and good humor makes up for the shortage of material, they should ask if not those who organized the annual festival commemorating the anniversary de Dostoievski y representaron un cuadro de una obra del famoso escritor.

Ramón Lamas,
board member of the Association /

Ramon Lamas
Miembro de la Junta de Asociacion

Russian translation Valentina Mironova /

Traducido al ruso por Valentina Mirónova.