On March 14 as planned the Russian Cultural Asocaicion F. Dostoevsky made a Calçotada in the cottage of our partners and Magda Clavé Fernando Murillo.
14 Марта, как и было запланировано, Association of Russian Culture. Dostoevsky spent Kalsotadu in the country members of our Association, Fernando Murillo and Magda clave.
Ya es una tradición hacer Calçotades en nuestra Asociación en el mes de Marzo. De hecho es la tercera Calçotada desde la formación de la Asociación.
In our of the Association is already a tradition to organize Kalsotadu in March. Incidentally, this is the third since the beginning of the formation Kalsotada Association.

Tuvimos mucha suerte con el tiempo porque unos días atrás hacia bastante aire y justo en el día de la Calçotada hizo un sol estupendo.
We were very lucky with the weather, since a few days ago it was very cold and strong winds. But on the day the sun shone Kalsotady, warming us with their warmth.
Los Socios de y Simpatizantes nos encontramos en la Plaza Imperial Tarraco para ir juntos al Pla de Santa Maria donde se encuentra la casa de campo de nuestros Socios Fernando y Magda. Para no perdernos antes de la excursión pasamos a la gente planos del sitio.
Members of the Association and its supporters gathered in the square Imperial Tarraco to go together to the village of Santa Maria, where the holiday home of members of our Association, Fernando and Magda. Чтобы не потерятся в дороге мы всем заранее выслали карты с местоположением дома Фернандо.
the end no one has lost and get right to the house of Fernando. Thanks to their efforts and help of some partners who have come before everything was in place. However, the preparation is very laborious Calçots made between everyone. Then we started to help a Fernando para prepararlo todo más rápido.
Fortunately nobody got lost and we arrived safely at home Fernando. Thanks to his efforts and assistance of some members of the Association, which arrived earlier, the process prigotavleniya "Kalsots was already running at full effect ... However, it should be noted that this is a very laborious process and is best cook Kalsotadu together. Therefore, we immediately involved in the work to prepare everything as soon as possible.
Hay que tener en cuenta que como dicen mucha gente el secreto de una buena Calçotada esta en la salsa. La verdad, the sauce mixture Fernando was excellent, as stated in point, not too bright and not dull. But I really think the secret is in many details such as hospitality and kindness of the owner of the house that makes you feel very comfortable in a friendly atmosphere, on the rich Calçots, at its meat, the delicious sauce, prepared the Queimada the Juras and etc, etc ... ..
Нужно иметь ввиду, что по-мнению многих людей секрет хорошей Кальсотады is in the sauce. This, of course, true. Sauce, cooked Fernando was amazing, as they say, "just-in-apple, not too hot and not too unleavened. But in my opinion, the secret is not only there, but consists of many issues, such as hospitality and generosity of his host, who was able to create rustic atmosphere, is located in which everyone felt like a fish in water, very tasty Kalsots, perfectly cooked meat and tasty sauce, nectar "Quemado", prepared under the "Shaman spells »....
Pero lo que por encima de la calidad de Calçots y la carne y por encima incluso de la increíble Salsa preparada por Fernando, lo que más agradó a los asistentes fue el excelente ambiente de camaradería y buen humor que se hizo palpable a lo largo de toda la velada.
But the fact that most touched the audience, and it was even more important than the quality of Kalsots and meat, and the AMAZING tasty sauce, cooked Fernando, it was a sense of camaraderie, Common interests, great company and good spirits, which remained throughout the beautiful day out.
Al terminar la comida empezamos a cantar las canciones populares rusas aprovechando que la mayor parte del Coro de la Asociación estaba presente en la Calçotada. La gente que la primera vez escuchaban como cantaba Fernando se quedo sorprendida, incluso como cantaba tan bien en ruso me estaban preguntando si Fernando es ruso. No es un ruso, Fernando es un español, pero con la alma rusa.
After lunch, we began to sing Russian songs, using the fact that most choir members attended the Kalsotade. People who first heard Fernando, were very surprised by his performance of Russian songs. Fernando so well and mentally sang Russian songs to their strong and beautiful voice, that even were people who doubted his English origins and raced down the hall whispers .. "What Fernando Russian?". No, Fernando is not Russian, he is a Spaniard, but his soul is Russian.
Estábamos muy agradecidos a Fernando por su hospitalidad, por una Calçotada perfecta con muchos detalles inolvidables.
All participants were very grateful Fernando, for his hospitality and for excellent Kalsotadu with many memorable moments.
Aquí estamos publicando las opiniones de la gente que la primera vez en su vida han ido a una Calçotada.
Below we publish the views of людей, впервые посетивших Кальсотаду.
Alena Review our supporters. / Мнение Сторонника Ассоциации Алены
For the Calçotada Russian person is an exotic food ...
have to adjust. Lucky you get used to eat fast and then you realize 3-4 Calçots where is the Secret of Calçotada ... You found it! ES LA SALSA! THE TRUTH THAT WAS VERY RICH! CARRYING THE SALSA DO NOT KNOW, BUT WAS awesome ....
In general, eating a meal without a smile so exquisite, so I would not be possible because it is VERY UNUSUAL AND EXOTIC! TRUTH
We had a very nice and we laughed a LOT. THE LITTLE SASHA
Calçotada Для русского человека - блюдо, конечно, экзотическое;)) К такому
need to get used to. The benefit that you get used quickly, and after 3-4 charred onions begin to understand what's salt: in the sauce! A sauce is definitely amazing! That part of it is not clear, but very tasty;)
Generally, these things eat a delicious dish of Roman gourmet without a smile on his face, for me personally, it seems impossible - very much an unusually ;))))
On the whole, had a very good day and had a good laugh.
A little Sasha liked best songs by Fernando guitar.
Opinión de nuestro Simpatizante Rene / opinion of the supporters of the Association of Rene
"Me ha gustado muchísimo la fiesta organizada por la Asociación ... Buena compañía, Calçots y Música ... Todo muy divertido!!!"
I really liked the festival, organized by Association ... Excellent company Kalsots and Music .... It was great!