March 13 Education Center of the Association of Russian culture to them. Fyodor Dostoevsky in children's groups of the Russian language and literature held outdoor lesson on Women's Day on March 8.
13 de Marzo el Centro Educativo de la Asociación Cultural Rusa F. Dostoievski organizo una clase abierta de idioma y literatura rusa para niños dedicada a la Fiesta Internacional de la Mujer 8 de Marzo.
On this festive lesson gathered together children older and younger groups of the Russian language and literature, children's parents, teachers and the Centre Valentina Mironova Natalia Sazonova, director of the Center Irina Gor'kov and board member Roberto Pudzheval which has taken the music and video festival.
En esta clase festiva se reunieron a todos los niños juntos de los dos grupos, mayores y pequeños, sus padres, las profesoras del Centro Valentina Mironova y Natalia Sazonova, la responsable del Centro Irina Gorkova y el miembro de la Junta Roberto Puigdevall que fué el responsable de la música y la grabación del video.
sounded painfully familiar childhood tunes "Dawn Witch", "Carnival song, song of mammoth "Mama" - and our holiday began ...
Al sonar las canciones rusas para niños tan conocidas desde la infancia "La madrugada mágica", "La Canción de Carnaval", la canción del mamut "Mama" empezó nuestra fiesta ....
Children were lined up, and teachers were welcomed solemnly moms, dads and all those invited to the feast. After a friendly greeting and introduction, the music flowed again, this time with our beloved and touching песня «Мама - первое слово».
Los niños se han puesto en fila y junto con las profesoras saludaron a los padres, madres y todos los invitados a la fiesta. Después de la salutación conjunta volvió sonar la música, nuestra canción favorita “Mama la primera palabra”
Преподаватели Центра Наталья Сазонова и Валентина Mironov on the heart and soul perfectly prepared an interesting program with lots of holiday jobs and contests involving children, during which students able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills learned from the lessons of Russian language and literature.
Las profesoras del Centro Natalia Sazonova y Valentina Mironova prepararon muy bien un interesante programa de fiesta con muchas tareas y concursos para niños en los cuales los alumnos han llegado a demostrar los conocimientos que aprendieron en clases de ruso y literatura rusa.
Natalia Sazonova met with the younger group game called "Happy forfeits" fell in love with his disciples since the inauguration of Russian language courses, sosotoyavsheysya more than a year ago. Once you've chosen Fant, our youngest students Dima, Neil, Marina, Adrian and Oleg wonderful read all the presence of small poems. Bravo, lads, lads! His poems are you so pleased parents, teachers and leaders of the Centre.
Natalia Sazonov, with the smaller group of the school as a game called "gay apparel," which like so much to students at the inauguration of the courses for more than a year. When choosing a piece they liked, our smallest students Dima, Nil, Marina, Adrian and Oleg well have recited some little verses in Russian. Bravo guys, well done! By reciting verses have made their parents happy, teachers and officials of the Centre.
then picked up the baton of speeches older group, also produced a poem about moms and grandmothers. For the older group teacher Russian language Natalia Sazonova produced more complex task: to write a missing letter in a word, called word of opposite meaning, and others which excellently managed Gabriel, Svetlana, Vitali, Sophia and Daniel Lukyanov and Sofia Loginova.
Luego, el grupo de niños mayores siguió haciendo actuaciones, también recitando versos sobre madres y abuelas. Para el grupo mayor Natalia Sazonova preparó unas tareas en ruso más difíciles such as writing a missing letter in the word, naming the word to the contrary and other tasks that have been well exceeded by Gabriel, Svetlana, Vitaly, Sofia and Daniel Lukiyanovy and Sofia Loginova.
" Однако не только same children to perform, let's ask to participate and moms, "- said a teacher of literature Valentin Mironov, invited to a fun game, which was that each mother in turn with closed eyes had to be found in a range of playful children of her child.
"Pero no solo que actúen los niños, vamos a pedir a las madres que también participen" - dijo la profesora de literatura Valentina Mironova invitando a las madres al juego. Cada madre con los ojos vendados tenia que encontrar a su hijo / a entre todos los niños.
This is where the real fun began: not so easy was to find his little treasures hidden among the other children, but the moment of meeting moms with children, the time of gaining each other's was unusually cheerful and happy!
Aquí empezó una verdadera alegría! No era fácil encontrar su pequeño tesoro escondido entre otros niños. Pero valía la pena seeing only the moment of encounter between mother and child was so happy and joyful!
По окончании games with their mothers, children and their parents were invited to the incendiary dance the funky chicken. Friendly dance with common emotions of love and joy was the culmination of праздника, и мы все ещё раз почувствовали себя настоящей большой семьёй.
After the game with mothers, children and their parents were invited to a fun dance young ducks. The "jorovod" friendly with the same emotions of love and joy has been the perfect ending to the party and made us feel like one big family.
In conclusion, the holiday made by the Head of the Education Centre Irina Gor, saying that children are well served, read poetry, participated in competitions and games, and now deserve gifts. On behalf of the Association of Russian Culture. Dostoyevsky all students older group were given primers NS Zhukova, and younger students - colorful cubes with the letters of the Russian alphabet. Head of the Centre has just returned from поездки в Россию и привезла так необходимый детям учебный материал.
At the end of the party responsible for the Education Center Gorkov Irina spoke some words to the children all acted very well by reciting verses, participating in competitions and now need the gifts. From Fyodor Dostoevsky's Russian Cultural Association all students in the larger group received "Bukvari (Russian alphabet books) Shzukova NS and students of the smaller group received alpha cubes with Russian letters. Irina Gorkov just got back from Russia and I take the trip to bring the kids an important and necessary materials.
Преподаватели Валентина Миронова и Наталья Сазонова сердечно thanked all present for their participation in the festival and once again congratulated the mothers on March 8. By a happy person children and parents could see that the festival was a success!
The teachers Sazonov Natalia Valentina Mironova and heartily thanked all present for participating in the party and went to congratulate mothers on March 8. Just looking at the happy faces of children and their parents have seen that the party was successful!
Ирина Горькова , руководитель Educational Center at the Association / Irina Gorkova, responsable del Centro Educativo de la Asociación
Traducido del ruso al castellano por Irina Gorkova
Art editor: Valentina Mironova and Antonio Rodriguez / Redactado por Valentina Mironova and Antonio Rordiguez
Технический редактор: Роберто Пуджеваль / Technical Roberto