Monday, April 26, 2010
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After being present at several events HIP HOP, making the organizational and in other cases supporting this suburban culture in our country, CUFA Bolivia has its doors open by CUFA Brazil to participate in the 2 largest Brazilian event HIP HOP Break Dance Brazil (Brad) and Brazilian Popular Rap (RPB).
received the invitation from Linha Dura, organizer of these events in the year 2010. He feels very happy to insert in your schedule of activities is the participation of Bolivian artists for Brazilian events, providing an opportunity to be able to know the material and the quality of each one of them.
Although the event is national (Brazil), the great unity that exists in International CUFA between Brazil and Bolivia, we used for activities like this.
The first event will be the Brad, the Brazilian national grand finale on 30 August in the city of Cuiabá, in the department of Mato Grosso, which is on the border limits of Brazil and Bolivia. In that event, representatives of Bolivia may take part, Break Dance, or take bboy's and Bgirl's to do demonstrations of their techniques while learning to serve them with some experience of international events.
The second event be the RPB, the Brazilian finale on 16 October in the City of Fortaleza, in the Department of Ceará, in northeastern Brazil. In the same way as the Brad, Bolivia was invited and will be attended by representatives of the Bolivian RAP.
For these 2 events, CUFA Bolivia, will be making a selective nationally providing an opportunity for people who want to participate in this international event. Bolivian citizens may register solely and exclusively. The date of the selected blog will be available on the WEB and Brazil of CUFA. Advance advance that the juries of the events will be of international standard.
Bolivia CUFA Coordinators will be responsible for the round trip ticket from Santa Cruz de La Sierra to their final destination in Brazil, through special contributions. Stay in Brazil, food and transportation costs will be absorbed by CUFA Brazil, that means the event will be free for those selected.
For more information:
Cesar Cronenbold - National and International Coordinator (77073990)
YOGI 13 - National Events Coordinator (73182347)
Noe Perez - Cultural Coordinator Cochabamba (70,340,504) Jamez
Bones - Coordinator Cultural La Paz (75257619)
Fernando Figueroa - Santa Cruz Cultural Attache (3620577)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Milena Velba Serving Beer
CUFA, Central Unica das Favelas, wants to know who think themselves, want to hear and understand the voice of the Favela ... and you want to hear?
By participating, we will survey unpublished, by CUFA, in unity with the Brazilian Institute of Social Researches (PPIs). Using the survey as a method and listening to more than 2,000 (two thousand) living in favelas across the country, listening to what they tend to say on issues they consider most relevant and urgent for the development of a political and social agenda.
The survey will be conducted with full transparency, with a financial budget, approximately R $ 70,000 (seventy thousand reais). To ensure the action we need the help of many participants, this because we do not want public money available, so that no doubts about the outcome of the survey.
Help us to hear the voice of the Favela!
Work with the minimum value of R $ 5.00 (five reais), directly in the current account of PPIs, and send suggestions of topics and questions to the following email: @ pesquisacufa.ibps
The survey will be conducted after obtaining the total value thereof.
shipping information: Please
A - PPI Consultoria e Pesquisa Ltda.
CNPJ - 04.967.411/0001-01
Bank - Unibanco (409)
Agency - 0190 (Agency Avenue)
Current Account - 213664-5
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In 2010 the world celebrated the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II Mundial. La victoria de los Aliados sobre el nazismo fue un acontecimiento de importancia histórica y de gran trascendencia para toda la humanidad.
In 2010, the entire world, humanity will celebrate the Great Feast - 65 years since Day of Victory in Great Patriotic War. All Allied victory over fascism was an event of great historical importance and great significance for all humanity.
Rusia conmemora este historical event every May 9 and calls it THE DAY OF THE GREAT VICTORY, joy and national pride. After 65 years since 1945, but on that date all Russians remember the millions of dead who sacrificed their lives for their country and were instrumental in building a Europe at peace for which all enjoy today.
Ежегодно, 9 МАЯ, Россия отмечает эту историческую дату, празднуя ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ, который throughout all these years, remains our overall national joy and pride. Despite the fact that since 1945 has already passed 65 years we, Russian, remember those millions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their country, and by which preserved peace in Europe in which we all live.
Pero es bien cierto que no todos Europeans underappreciated contributions of the Soviet Union to defeat Hitler and some tend to hide behind the complicated figure of Stalin's heroism, delivery and even the great successes of the Soviet military to stand up in extreme circumstances the powerful and hitherto invincible German army. Not Moscow, not Stalingrad, without Kurks without Leningrad ... Hitler had had his way and, perhaps, today, Europe would be a Nazi concentration camp. Remember that day at 60 million dead in the war in the world and we hope that no dictator ever cause such dramatic and bloody events como los que vivieron nuestros abuelos.
But it's also true that not all Europeans are highly appreciated the contribution of the Soviet Union to defeat Hitler, and some are eager to cover up for the controversial figure of Stalin heroism, dedication and great achievements of the Soviet military, who were able to repel a powerful enemy and unbeatable German армии. Без Москвы, без Сталинграда, без Курска, без Ленинграда......Гитлер бы достиг своей цели и возможно сегодня Европа была бы большим Концентрационным фашистским Camp. Let us remember that day about 60 million deaths worldwide in this terrible war and give their votes for something that never, not one dictator who could not commit such dramatic and bloody effects of which have experienced our grandparents.
Para celebrar este gran día nuestra Asociación, junto con otras asociaciones rusas de toda España, participará en un Festival Popular dedicado a celebrar los 65 años de la Victoria en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
To celebrate this great day of our association, along with other Russian Association from all over Spain was invited to participate in the Festival of People Талантов, посвященном 65 летию со дня Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне .
The Festival is held between May 15 and 16 in Zaragoza and will be organized by the Centre for Coordination of all Russian Compatriots in Spain, the Association "ARCA" and "SOYZ" Zaragoza and is supported and funded by the Embassy Russian Federation in Madrid, the Government of Aragon el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza.
Festival, scheduled for May 15 and 16 in Sarragose will be organized by the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in Spain, the Association "ARKA" and "alliance" of Sarragosy supported by the Russian Embassy in Madrid, the Government of Aragon and the Mayor of Zaragoza.
Nuestra Asociación participa en este festival y en él presentaremos la obra de Fedor Dostoievski "El Idiot "already achieved great success during the gala dinner dedicated to 189 anniversary of F. Dostoevsky. Our theater group, which appears in front of the director Valeria Korolkova, together with the Association President Antonio Rodriguez, who also acts in the play in the role of Rogozhin, and Secretary of the Association, Irina Gorkov, will travel to Zaragoza to participate in the Festival on behalf of our Association.
Наша Ассоциация для участия в Фестивале представит theatrical production based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky "Idiot", the presentation of which has already enjoyed great success during a gala dinner celebrating 189 anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Our theater group, led by the director's, postanivschika Valerie Korolkova, together with the President of the Association Antonio Rodriguez, who also plays a role in the performance of Rogozhin and the Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor go to Sarragosu to participate in this festival, в качестве представителей от Нашей Ассоциации.
theater group since its formation in October last year, is conducting an outstanding job, keep in mind that its members are not professionals and rehearse in their spare time. Indeed, the work of Dostoevsky's "The Idiot", which originally represented two episodes, now interpreted no less than five, proving the vitality of the actors and actresses.
Театральная Group of the Association since its inception, in October last year, does a terrific job to keep in mind that most members of the Association involvement in the play are not professionals and rehearse in their spare time. I would also like to note that the theatrical production Fyodor Dostoevsky "Idiot" was presented in two episodes, and now increased to 5 episodes, indicating that the great creative activity of the actors and actresses.
Citamos a continuación a las personas que se desplazarán a Zaragoza para participar en el Festival y representar "El Idiota":
Below we publish the names of actors who go to Sarragosu to participate in the festival and theatrical presentation of "The Idiot"
Valeria Korolkova group's director. - Валерия Королькова - Директор театральной Группы
1. Valentina Mironova that plays Filipovna Nastacia
2. Roberto Puigdevall in the role of Prince Myshkin
3. Antonio Rodriguez in the role of Rogozhin
4. Fernando Murillo in the role of General
5. Liubov Zlobin the role of the wife of General
6. Alexander Zlobin on paper de Ganya Ivolgin
7. Natalia Kronen en el papel de Knyaginya Belokonskaya
8. Antonio Chia Fernandez en el papel del escritor.
9. Elena Beloborodova en el papel de Aglaya.
wish great success of our theater group in her statement at the festival in SARRAGOSE!
Autores del articulo:
Ramon Lamas / Miembro de la Junta y Irina Gorkova / Secretaria de Asociación
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
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We continue to publish articles about members of our association, about their involvement in the lives of our Russian-English society, their leisure and work. Today, we present to your attention Irina Protasov, many of you know my fascination with the world Beauty and Cosmetics, Mary Kay. " Most recently Irina marked the first anniversary of the opening of his salon, "Mary Kay" in Reus, telling all present about the history of the cabin, on the company Mary Kay and his friendly team of Consultants Beauty. Below, for all readers block, we present an interview with Irina.
We publish articles about members of the Association, his participation in the life of our society, their hobbies and work. Today we present to Irina Protassov, which most of you already know by his passion for the world of beauty, who runs the salon and Mary Kay. Indeed, Irina recently celebrated the first anniversary of this room, "Mary Kay", which opens its doors in Reus. In the presentation, all attendees told the story of living and business, with particular attention to the great team of beauty consultants that account. Good luck in your work and then publish the interview with Irina.
1. Irina, please tell about the first year of life of your Beauty. What does he mean to you?
1. Irina, háblanos del primer año de vida del Salón de Belleza "Mary Kay". ¿Qué significa para ti?
In any business the first year requires maximum effort. Can be compared with the first year of life when to invest their energies, time, hope, money and know what it's worth it. Salon for me is my second child, and I am happy to develop it.
En cualquier negocio el primer año exige el máximo esfuerzo y dedicación. Se puede comparar con el primer año de vida de un niño, ya que le dedicas todas tus fuerzas, tu tiempo, tus ilusiones y tu dinero y sabes lo que todo esto significa. Este salón para mí es como mi segundo hijo y trabajo en él con mucha alegría.
2. Irina, we know that in addition to your work professionally, you are a Russian person is not indifferent to Russian culture and, therefore, is a member of our Association. What do you think about the activities of the Association?
2. Irina, además de en tu profesión, y como todos los rusos residentes lejos de su país, estás muy interesada en nuestra cultura y por eso eres miembro de nuestra Asociación. ¿Qué piensas sobre las actividades que desarrollamos?
I admire the enthusiasm of the Registrar of the Association of Irina Gor and our president, Antonio Rodriguez, the responsibility to prepare all activities and most importantly I see that from the heart of helping us, the Russian-speaking, feel that we are together, that we support each other, and that can adapt русскую культуру и характер с местными традициями. Молодцы!
I admire the enthusiasm of the Secretary of the Association, Irina Gorkov and its president, Antonio Rodriguez and his dedication to the many activities that you realize. Although what I appreciate most is that they do with all your heart and help to all Russian-speakers to feel we're together, we support each other and that we can adapt to local traditions without forgetting the Russian culture. Congratulations!
3. What attracts you to the Association, and as you Videsh their role in its development?
¿Qué te atrae en la Asociación y cómo contribuyes a su desarrollo?
attracted by the sincerity and seriousness approach, care, communication with interesting people, the positive charge of energy, loyalty and respect for Russian culture, beauty and style of Russian women. I really like, that the Association is engaged in the development of many cultural and educational areas and a very important believe that the Association organized and work well Russian language courses for children. My son, Adrian, who attends the courses of Russian language and literature at the Association and I am very pleased with the results.
I attract a lot of things, the sincerity, seriousness, attention and care of people, the chance to meet interesting people, positive energy, loyalty and respect for Russian culture ... not finish but I want to emphasize the beauty and style of Russian women. It seems very well that the Association is dedicated to developing cultural and educational activities. And I think it is very important to the organization of Russian language courses for children. My son Adrian attended courses in Russian language and literature and am very satisfied with the results.
Cо своей стороны я всегда I try to support all initiatives of the Association and with great pleasure in giving information on its activities to my friends and acquaintances.
Por mi parte, siempre intento colaborar en todas las actividades y con mucho gusto informo sobre la Asociación a mis amigos y conocidos.
4. Irina, that readers were able to block better acquainted with you, tell me please, a little bit about yourself and your work. How long have you live in Spain? What is important for you?
Irina, para que los lectores del block puedan conocerte mejor, háblanos un poco de ti y de tu trabajo. ¿Hace mucho que vives en España? ¿Qué es lo importante para tí?
I emigrated in 2001, and 6 years working in tourism in different parts of Spain. Is important to my peace, prosperity, great climate, the proximity to Barcelona and Central Europe, the opportunities for growth and education, the future my children, measured way of life, a healthy Mediterranean diet, careful attitude to the woman, the simplicity, the beautiful sea and mountain zhivopisnye, the cult of the family и детей, дух свободы и атмосфера праздника, порядок и соблюдение законов.
I left Russia in 2001 and worked six years in tourism and in different parts of Spain. As for me, I care much tranquility, abundance, good weather, proximity to Barcelona and central Europe, the training and development opportunities for the future of my children, the relaxed lifestyle, diet sana mediterránea, el respeto hacía la mujer, la sencillez, el mar tan agradable, las montañas pintorescas, la importancia de la familia y de los niños, el espíritu de libertad y la atmósfera de fiesta, el orden y el respeto de las leyes. .. En fin, muchas cosas,.
5. Irina, tell me please, what exactly is engaged fipma Mary Kay, and that the firm offers to women.
Irina, háblanos de las actividades de la empresa "Mary Kay". ¿Què ofrece la empresa a las mujeres?
If we talk about revenue Beauty Consultants worldwide, our company gives them the opportunity to earn good money to life and be prosperous and successful women.
Por lo que respecta a nuestras asesoras de belleza (las mujeres que trabajan con nosotros), nuestra empresa les da la posibilidad de ganarse bien la vida.
With regard to our clients, we Give them an exclusive opportunity to relax and learn to care for the skin and to master the art of make-up on the lessons of beauty.
En cuanto a nuestras clientas, aprenden a relajarse, a cuidar el cutis y dominar el arte del maquillaje gracias a las lecciones de belleza que ofrecemos en el salón.
6. Will the crisis at the firm? What are the prospects for the company?
¿ Ha influido la crisis en la actividad de tu empresa? ¿Cuáles son sus perspectivas de desarrollo cara al futuro?
Yes, reflected, very positive. The company had no such growth, as in the past two years, while Spain took 4 th place for the development among the 37 countries where the company operates Mary Кэй после США, России и Китая.
Yes, but the crisis has influenced in a positive way. The company had not experienced much growth as in the past two years. Еspaña ranked fourth in growth among the 37 countries in which Mary Kay company behind only USA, Russia and China.
7. Irina, so what's all the same formula for success of your company?
Irina, en resumen ¿cuál es la fórmula del éxito de tu empresa?
We make the dream a reality, the dream of women to be attractive and favorite!
¡Convertimos los sueños en realidades, los eternos ideales de la mujer de ser atractiva y querida!
Have Beauty Consultants who cares about your appearance, skin, fragrance, perfect weight, self-esteem, a trendy make-up, Happy Birthday, introduces new products, and also completely free, it is not a luxury in today's world? Сколько стоит 10 минутная консультация у любого специалиста, будь то юрист или врач?
Have a beauty consultant who cares about your physical appearance, state of the skin, your scent, your weight, your confidence, your makeup to fashion ... congratulates you on your birthday, you also presents its new and completely free: all this, is not a luxury in the world actual? ¿Cuánto puede costar una consulta de 10 minutos con un especialista en belleza?; Pues como si se tratase de un abogado o un médico.
components of success is - customer care, affordable price and excellent quality of PRODUCTS!
Así que estos son los componentes del éxito: preocupación por los clientes, precios asequibles y buena calidad de los productos.
We are looking for hardworking staff, to the ad and want to get rich women!
Por cierto, seguimos buscando personas con ganas de trabajar, responsables y, naturalmente, que quieran ser ricas!
If you want to get more information you can directly connect with Irina on the phone Tel 672328739 or emeylu
Si alguien desea más información puede contactar directamente con Irina. Aquí os dejamos su teléfono y dirección de correo. E-mail , Tel 672 328 739
Many thanks to Irina for the interview. We wish you great success!
¡Muchas gracias, Irina, y mucha suerte!
Irina Gorkova / Irina Gor
Secretaria de Asociación / Secretary of the Association
Redactado por Ramon Lamas / text edited by Ramon Lamas
Miembro de la Junta / Board Member
Reportaje fotográfico esta hecho por Antonio Rodríguez / photos were taken by Antonio Rodriguez
Monday, April 12, 2010
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• Departmental Selective Basketball Street - to be held in the city of La Paz, with a presence of bboys, skate, bikes and graffiti. DATE - (01 or 08 May).
• National Basketball Selective Street - to be held in the city of Santa Cruz. Partnerships to define. DATE - (05 or June 12).
• "Tack Esportivo" - at all locations CUFAS of BOLIVIA. Define activities. DATE - (13 and November 14).
This General Schedule is the basis of the timetable of activities carried out CUFA Boliva in 2010.
showcased some extra activities such as: • FILM CUFA
Bolivia - August 14
• Brasilian Day - September 7 CUFA
• BOOKS - Book Fair in Santa Cruz. September.
• Border CUFA - event All Departments ano.Enlaces with Brazilians that are located on the Bolivian border, such as Mato Grosso, Rondonia and Acre.
• Campaign for Mothers of Children with Cancer - Event help underserved communities.
• Challenge "Reis da Rua" of Street Basketball - CHILE VS BOLIVIA. Earthquake in CHILE pro.
• HOME CUFA Inauguracón of La Paz, Bolivia. November.
• Uniform Guidelines Deportivo La Seleccion Bolivian Street Basketball, the World Cup. 17 Junho.
• Participation in the Event DANCE CRUZ 2010 with the presence of CUFA bboys of Bolivia. August.
For more information call the following numbers:
(591) 770-73990
(591) 3 330-4603
Coordinator Cesar Cronenbold
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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March 13 Education Center of the Association of Russian culture to them. Fyodor Dostoevsky in children's groups of the Russian language and literature held outdoor lesson on Women's Day on March 8.
13 de Marzo el Centro Educativo de la Asociación Cultural Rusa F. Dostoievski organizo una clase abierta de idioma y literatura rusa para niños dedicada a la Fiesta Internacional de la Mujer 8 de Marzo.
On this festive lesson gathered together children older and younger groups of the Russian language and literature, children's parents, teachers and the Centre Valentina Mironova Natalia Sazonova, director of the Center Irina Gor'kov and board member Roberto Pudzheval which has taken the music and video festival.
En esta clase festiva se reunieron a todos los niños juntos de los dos grupos, mayores y pequeños, sus padres, las profesoras del Centro Valentina Mironova y Natalia Sazonova, la responsable del Centro Irina Gorkova y el miembro de la Junta Roberto Puigdevall que fué el responsable de la música y la grabación del video.
sounded painfully familiar childhood tunes "Dawn Witch", "Carnival song, song of mammoth "Mama" - and our holiday began ...
Al sonar las canciones rusas para niños tan conocidas desde la infancia "La madrugada mágica", "La Canción de Carnaval", la canción del mamut "Mama" empezó nuestra fiesta ....
Children were lined up, and teachers were welcomed solemnly moms, dads and all those invited to the feast. After a friendly greeting and introduction, the music flowed again, this time with our beloved and touching песня «Мама - первое слово».
Los niños se han puesto en fila y junto con las profesoras saludaron a los padres, madres y todos los invitados a la fiesta. Después de la salutación conjunta volvió sonar la música, nuestra canción favorita “Mama la primera palabra”
Преподаватели Центра Наталья Сазонова и Валентина Mironov on the heart and soul perfectly prepared an interesting program with lots of holiday jobs and contests involving children, during which students able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills learned from the lessons of Russian language and literature.
Las profesoras del Centro Natalia Sazonova y Valentina Mironova prepararon muy bien un interesante programa de fiesta con muchas tareas y concursos para niños en los cuales los alumnos han llegado a demostrar los conocimientos que aprendieron en clases de ruso y literatura rusa.
Natalia Sazonova met with the younger group game called "Happy forfeits" fell in love with his disciples since the inauguration of Russian language courses, sosotoyavsheysya more than a year ago. Once you've chosen Fant, our youngest students Dima, Neil, Marina, Adrian and Oleg wonderful read all the presence of small poems. Bravo, lads, lads! His poems are you so pleased parents, teachers and leaders of the Centre.
Natalia Sazonov, with the smaller group of the school as a game called "gay apparel," which like so much to students at the inauguration of the courses for more than a year. When choosing a piece they liked, our smallest students Dima, Nil, Marina, Adrian and Oleg well have recited some little verses in Russian. Bravo guys, well done! By reciting verses have made their parents happy, teachers and officials of the Centre.
then picked up the baton of speeches older group, also produced a poem about moms and grandmothers. For the older group teacher Russian language Natalia Sazonova produced more complex task: to write a missing letter in a word, called word of opposite meaning, and others which excellently managed Gabriel, Svetlana, Vitali, Sophia and Daniel Lukyanov and Sofia Loginova.
Luego, el grupo de niños mayores siguió haciendo actuaciones, también recitando versos sobre madres y abuelas. Para el grupo mayor Natalia Sazonova preparó unas tareas en ruso más difíciles such as writing a missing letter in the word, naming the word to the contrary and other tasks that have been well exceeded by Gabriel, Svetlana, Vitaly, Sofia and Daniel Lukiyanovy and Sofia Loginova.
" Однако не только same children to perform, let's ask to participate and moms, "- said a teacher of literature Valentin Mironov, invited to a fun game, which was that each mother in turn with closed eyes had to be found in a range of playful children of her child.
"Pero no solo que actúen los niños, vamos a pedir a las madres que también participen" - dijo la profesora de literatura Valentina Mironova invitando a las madres al juego. Cada madre con los ojos vendados tenia que encontrar a su hijo / a entre todos los niños.
This is where the real fun began: not so easy was to find his little treasures hidden among the other children, but the moment of meeting moms with children, the time of gaining each other's was unusually cheerful and happy!
Aquí empezó una verdadera alegría! No era fácil encontrar su pequeño tesoro escondido entre otros niños. Pero valía la pena seeing only the moment of encounter between mother and child was so happy and joyful!
По окончании games with their mothers, children and their parents were invited to the incendiary dance the funky chicken. Friendly dance with common emotions of love and joy was the culmination of праздника, и мы все ещё раз почувствовали себя настоящей большой семьёй.
In conclusion, the holiday made by the Head of the Education Centre Irina Gor, saying that children are well served, read poetry, participated in competitions and games, and now deserve gifts. On behalf of the Association of Russian Culture. Dostoyevsky all students older group were given primers NS Zhukova, and younger students - colorful cubes with the letters of the Russian alphabet. Head of the Centre has just returned from поездки в Россию и привезла так необходимый детям учебный материал.
At the end of the party responsible for the Education Center Gorkov Irina spoke some words to the children all acted very well by reciting verses, participating in competitions and now need the gifts. From Fyodor Dostoevsky's Russian Cultural Association all students in the larger group received "Bukvari (Russian alphabet books) Shzukova NS and students of the smaller group received alpha cubes with Russian letters. Irina Gorkov just got back from Russia and I take the trip to bring the kids an important and necessary materials.
Преподаватели Валентина Миронова и Наталья Сазонова сердечно thanked all present for their participation in the festival and once again congratulated the mothers on March 8. By a happy person children and parents could see that the festival was a success!
The teachers Sazonov Natalia Valentina Mironova and heartily thanked all present for participating in the party and went to congratulate mothers on March 8. Just looking at the happy faces of children and their parents have seen that the party was successful!
Ирина Горькова , руководитель Educational Center at the Association / Irina Gorkova, responsable del Centro Educativo de la Asociación
Traducido del ruso al castellano por Irina Gorkova
Art editor: Valentina Mironova and Antonio Rodriguez / Redactado por Valentina Mironova and Antonio Rordiguez
Технический редактор: Роберто Пуджеваль / Technical Roberto