Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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We continue to publish articles about members of our association, about their involvement in the lives of our Russian-English society, their leisure and work. Today, we present to your attention Irina Protasov, many of you know my fascination with the world Beauty and Cosmetics, Mary Kay. " Most recently Irina marked the first anniversary of the opening of his salon, "Mary Kay" in Reus, telling all present about the history of the cabin, on the company Mary Kay and his friendly team of Consultants Beauty. Below, for all readers block, we present an interview with Irina.

We publish articles about members of the Association, his participation in the life of our society, their hobbies and work. Today we present to Irina Protassov, which most of you already know by his passion for the world of beauty, who runs the salon and Mary Kay. Indeed, Irina recently celebrated the first anniversary of this room, "Mary Kay", which opens its doors in Reus. In the presentation, all attendees told the story of living and business, with particular attention to the great team of beauty consultants that account. Good luck in your work and then publish the interview with Irina.

1. Irina, please tell about the first year of life of your Beauty. What does he mean to you?

1. Irina, háblanos del primer año de vida del Salón de Belleza "Mary Kay". ¿Qué significa para ti?

In any business the first year requires maximum effort. Can be compared with the first year of life when to invest their energies, time, hope, money and know what it's worth it. Salon for me is my second child, and I am happy to develop it.

En cualquier negocio el primer año exige el máximo esfuerzo y dedicación. Se puede comparar con el primer año de vida de un niño, ya que le dedicas todas tus fuerzas, tu tiempo, tus ilusiones y tu dinero y sabes lo que todo esto significa. Este salón para mí es como mi segundo hijo y trabajo en él con mucha alegría.

2. Irina, we know that in addition to your work professionally, you are a Russian person is not indifferent to Russian culture and, therefore, is a member of our Association. What do you think about the activities of the Association?

2. Irina, además de en tu profesión, y como todos los rusos residentes lejos de su país, estás muy interesada en nuestra cultura y por eso eres miembro de nuestra Asociación. ¿Qué piensas sobre las actividades que desarrollamos?

I admire the enthusiasm of the Registrar of the Association of Irina Gor and our president, Antonio Rodriguez, the responsibility to prepare all activities and most importantly I see that from the heart of helping us, the Russian-speaking, feel that we are together, that we support each other, and that can adapt русскую культуру и характер с местными традициями. Молодцы!

I admire the enthusiasm of the Secretary of the Association, Irina Gorkov and its president, Antonio Rodriguez and his dedication to the many activities that you realize. Although what I appreciate most is that they do with all your heart and help to all Russian-speakers to feel we're together, we support each other and that we can adapt to local traditions without forgetting the Russian culture. Congratulations!

3. What attracts you to the Association, and as you Videsh their role in its development?

¿Qué te atrae en la Asociación y cómo contribuyes a su desarrollo?

attracted by the sincerity and seriousness approach, care, communication with interesting people, the positive charge of energy, loyalty and respect for Russian culture, beauty and style of Russian women. I really like, that the Association is engaged in the development of many cultural and educational areas and a very important believe that the Association organized and work well Russian language courses for children. My son, Adrian, who attends the courses of Russian language and literature at the Association and I am very pleased with the results.

I attract a lot of things, the sincerity, seriousness, attention and care of people, the chance to meet interesting people, positive energy, loyalty and respect for Russian culture ... not finish but I want to emphasize the beauty and style of Russian women. It seems very well that the Association is dedicated to developing cultural and educational activities. And I think it is very important to the organization of Russian language courses for children. My son Adrian attended courses in Russian language and literature and am very satisfied with the results.

Cо своей стороны я всегда I try to support all initiatives of the Association and with great pleasure in giving information on its activities to my friends and acquaintances.

Por mi parte, siempre intento colaborar en todas las actividades y con mucho gusto informo sobre la Asociación a mis amigos y conocidos.

4. Irina, that readers were able to block better acquainted with you, tell me please, a little bit about yourself and your work. How long have you live in Spain? What is important for you?

Irina, para que los lectores del block puedan conocerte mejor, háblanos un poco de ti y de tu trabajo. ¿Hace mucho que vives en España? ¿Qué es lo importante para tí?

I emigrated in 2001, and 6 years working in tourism in different parts of Spain. Is important to my peace, prosperity, great climate, the proximity to Barcelona and Central Europe, the opportunities for growth and education, the future my children, measured way of life, a healthy Mediterranean diet, careful attitude to the woman, the simplicity, the beautiful sea and mountain zhivopisnye, the cult of the family и детей, дух свободы и атмосфера праздника, порядок и соблюдение законов.

I left Russia in 2001 and worked six years in tourism and in different parts of Spain. As for me, I care much tranquility, abundance, good weather, proximity to Barcelona and central Europe, the training and development opportunities for the future of my children, the relaxed lifestyle, diet sana mediterránea, el respeto hacía la mujer, la sencillez, el mar tan agradable, las montañas pintorescas, la importancia de la familia y de los niños, el espíritu de libertad y la atmósfera de fiesta, el orden y el respeto de las leyes. .. En fin, muchas cosas,.

5. Irina, tell me please, what exactly is engaged fipma Mary Kay, and that the firm offers to women.

Irina, háblanos de las actividades de la empresa "Mary Kay". ¿Què ofrece la empresa a las mujeres?

If we talk about revenue Beauty Consultants worldwide, our company gives them the opportunity to earn good money to life and be prosperous and successful women.

Por lo que respecta a nuestras asesoras de belleza (las mujeres que trabajan con nosotros), nuestra empresa les da la posibilidad de ganarse bien la vida.

With regard to our clients, we Give them an exclusive opportunity to relax and learn to care for the skin and to master the art of make-up on the lessons of beauty.

En cuanto a nuestras clientas, aprenden a relajarse, a cuidar el cutis y dominar el arte del maquillaje gracias a las lecciones de belleza que ofrecemos en el salón.

6. Will the crisis at the firm? What are the prospects for the company?

¿ Ha influido la crisis en la actividad de tu empresa? ¿Cuáles son sus perspectivas de desarrollo cara al futuro?

Yes, reflected, very positive. The company had no such growth, as in the past two years, while Spain took 4 th place for the development among the 37 countries where the company operates Mary Кэй после США, России и Китая.

Yes, but the crisis has influenced in a positive way. The company had not experienced much growth as in the past two years. Еspaña ranked fourth in growth among the 37 countries in which Mary Kay company behind only USA, Russia and China.

7. Irina, so what's all the same formula for success of your company?

Irina, en resumen ¿cuál es la fórmula del éxito de tu empresa?

We make the dream a reality, the dream of women to be attractive and favorite!

¡Convertimos los sueños en realidades, los eternos ideales de la mujer de ser atractiva y querida!

Have Beauty Consultants who cares about your appearance, skin, fragrance, perfect weight, self-esteem, a trendy make-up, Happy Birthday, introduces new products, and also completely free, it is not a luxury in today's world? Сколько стоит 10 минутная консультация у любого специалиста, будь то юрист или врач?

Have a beauty consultant who cares about your physical appearance, state of the skin, your scent, your weight, your confidence, your makeup to fashion ... congratulates you on your birthday, you also presents its new and completely free: all this, is not a luxury in the world actual? ¿Cuánto puede costar una consulta de 10 minutos con un especialista en belleza?; Pues como si se tratase de un abogado o un médico.

components of success is - customer care, affordable price and excellent quality of PRODUCTS!

Así que estos son los componentes del éxito: preocupación por los clientes, precios asequibles y buena calidad de los productos.

We are looking for hardworking staff, to the ad and want to get rich women!

Por cierto, seguimos buscando personas con ganas de trabajar, responsables y, naturalmente, que quieran ser ricas!

If you want to get more information you can directly connect with Irina on the phone Tel 672328739 or emeylu protassovairina@hotmail.com

Si alguien desea más información puede contactar directamente con Irina. Aquí os dejamos su teléfono y dirección de correo. E-mail protassovairina@hotmail.com , Tel 672 328 739

Many thanks to Irina for the interview. We wish you great success!

¡Muchas gracias, Irina, y mucha suerte!

Irina Gorkova / Irina Gor

Secretaria de Asociación / Secretary of the Association

Redactado por Ramon Lamas / text edited by Ramon Lamas
Miembro de la Junta / Board Member

Reportaje fotográfico esta hecho por Antonio Rodríguez / photos were taken by Antonio Rodriguez


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