In 2010 the world celebrated the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II Mundial. La victoria de los Aliados sobre el nazismo fue un acontecimiento de importancia histórica y de gran trascendencia para toda la humanidad.
In 2010, the entire world, humanity will celebrate the Great Feast - 65 years since Day of Victory in Great Patriotic War. All Allied victory over fascism was an event of great historical importance and great significance for all humanity.
Rusia conmemora este historical event every May 9 and calls it THE DAY OF THE GREAT VICTORY, joy and national pride. After 65 years since 1945, but on that date all Russians remember the millions of dead who sacrificed their lives for their country and were instrumental in building a Europe at peace for which all enjoy today.
Ежегодно, 9 МАЯ, Россия отмечает эту историческую дату, празднуя ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ, который throughout all these years, remains our overall national joy and pride. Despite the fact that since 1945 has already passed 65 years we, Russian, remember those millions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their country, and by which preserved peace in Europe in which we all live.
Pero es bien cierto que no todos Europeans underappreciated contributions of the Soviet Union to defeat Hitler and some tend to hide behind the complicated figure of Stalin's heroism, delivery and even the great successes of the Soviet military to stand up in extreme circumstances the powerful and hitherto invincible German army. Not Moscow, not Stalingrad, without Kurks without Leningrad ... Hitler had had his way and, perhaps, today, Europe would be a Nazi concentration camp. Remember that day at 60 million dead in the war in the world and we hope that no dictator ever cause such dramatic and bloody events como los que vivieron nuestros abuelos.
But it's also true that not all Europeans are highly appreciated the contribution of the Soviet Union to defeat Hitler, and some are eager to cover up for the controversial figure of Stalin heroism, dedication and great achievements of the Soviet military, who were able to repel a powerful enemy and unbeatable German армии. Без Москвы, без Сталинграда, без Курска, без Ленинграда......Гитлер бы достиг своей цели и возможно сегодня Европа была бы большим Концентрационным фашистским Camp. Let us remember that day about 60 million deaths worldwide in this terrible war and give their votes for something that never, not one dictator who could not commit such dramatic and bloody effects of which have experienced our grandparents.
Para celebrar este gran día nuestra Asociación, junto con otras asociaciones rusas de toda España, participará en un Festival Popular dedicado a celebrar los 65 años de la Victoria en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
To celebrate this great day of our association, along with other Russian Association from all over Spain was invited to participate in the Festival of People Талантов, посвященном 65 летию со дня Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне .
The Festival is held between May 15 and 16 in Zaragoza and will be organized by the Centre for Coordination of all Russian Compatriots in Spain, the Association "ARCA" and "SOYZ" Zaragoza and is supported and funded by the Embassy Russian Federation in Madrid, the Government of Aragon el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza.
Festival, scheduled for May 15 and 16 in Sarragose will be organized by the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in Spain, the Association "ARKA" and "alliance" of Sarragosy supported by the Russian Embassy in Madrid, the Government of Aragon and the Mayor of Zaragoza.
Nuestra Asociación participa en este festival y en él presentaremos la obra de Fedor Dostoievski "El Idiot "already achieved great success during the gala dinner dedicated to 189 anniversary of F. Dostoevsky. Our theater group, which appears in front of the director Valeria Korolkova, together with the Association President Antonio Rodriguez, who also acts in the play in the role of Rogozhin, and Secretary of the Association, Irina Gorkov, will travel to Zaragoza to participate in the Festival on behalf of our Association.
Наша Ассоциация для участия в Фестивале представит theatrical production based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky "Idiot", the presentation of which has already enjoyed great success during a gala dinner celebrating 189 anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Our theater group, led by the director's, postanivschika Valerie Korolkova, together with the President of the Association Antonio Rodriguez, who also plays a role in the performance of Rogozhin and the Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor go to Sarragosu to participate in this festival, в качестве представителей от Нашей Ассоциации.
theater group since its formation in October last year, is conducting an outstanding job, keep in mind that its members are not professionals and rehearse in their spare time. Indeed, the work of Dostoevsky's "The Idiot", which originally represented two episodes, now interpreted no less than five, proving the vitality of the actors and actresses.
Театральная Group of the Association since its inception, in October last year, does a terrific job to keep in mind that most members of the Association involvement in the play are not professionals and rehearse in their spare time. I would also like to note that the theatrical production Fyodor Dostoevsky "Idiot" was presented in two episodes, and now increased to 5 episodes, indicating that the great creative activity of the actors and actresses.
Citamos a continuación a las personas que se desplazarán a Zaragoza para participar en el Festival y representar "El Idiota":
Below we publish the names of actors who go to Sarragosu to participate in the festival and theatrical presentation of "The Idiot"
Valeria Korolkova group's director. - Валерия Королькова - Директор театральной Группы
1. Valentina Mironova that plays Filipovna Nastacia
2. Roberto Puigdevall in the role of Prince Myshkin
3. Antonio Rodriguez in the role of Rogozhin
4. Fernando Murillo in the role of General
5. Liubov Zlobin the role of the wife of General
6. Alexander Zlobin on paper de Ganya Ivolgin
7. Natalia Kronen en el papel de Knyaginya Belokonskaya
8. Antonio Chia Fernandez en el papel del escritor.
9. Elena Beloborodova en el papel de Aglaya.
wish great success of our theater group in her statement at the festival in SARRAGOSE!
Autores del articulo:
Ramon Lamas / Miembro de la Junta y Irina Gorkova / Secretaria de Asociación
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