Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Non-surgical Pectus Carinatum


Saturday, June 26, was held at the Civic Centre Sant Pere i Sant Pau, Tarragona, Russia Day and was attended by Councillor Citizen Relations Don Manuel Lopez Pasca.

above the desire to spend the hot afternoon on the beach and up over the football frenzy these days affects the entire world, almost one hundred people attended the invitation made by the RUSSIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION Fyodor Dostoyevsky to celebrate the DAY RUSSIA. В субботу

Июня Ассоциация русской Культуры 26 of Fyodor Dostoyevsky noted DAY OF RUSSIA in the town center of San Pedro and San Pablo in Tarragona. Despite the opportunity to spend a hot afternoon at the beach or at the TV, watching the latest football news, especially popular these days, the information given by the Association of Day celebrations RUSSIA responded более ста человек.

Pictured is the President of the Russian Association Antonio Rordiguez Fedor Dostoevsky, the Secritaria the Gorkov Irina Asocaicion and Citizen Relations Councilman Don Manuel Lopez Pasca.

The event was very family friendly, joined the program several workshops, such as the workshop informative, educational, Russian language and Russian cuisine him.

Атмосфера праздника, по домашнему comfortable, did not leave anyone indifferent by rich and diverse program, including activities of the various workshops. Worked information department, the education department of the Russian Language Department and the Russian national cuisine.

El taller informativo representado por Cristina Lopez, Irina Gorkova y Ramon Lamas distrubuian folletos sobre Rusia junto con un CD, flyers sobre las actividades de la Asociacion y sus Socios.

the information department, staffed with members of the Association, Christine Lopez, Irina Gor'kov and Ramon Lamas, all interested persons were given informational brochures о России, вместе с диском CD, флаерсы о деятельности Ассоциации и ее членов.

Russian educational workshop led by our Partners Loguinova Anna, Valentina Mironova and Liudmila Bondar met with English interested in learning Russian and the Russians who wanted to learn Castilian. The teachers in carefully prepared various tasks to maintain dialogue and knowledge of Russian calligraphy, fun games and etc.

Obrazovatelny department of the Russian language, our teachers predstavdenny Anna Loginova, Valentina Mironova and Ludmila Bondar, combined Spaniards are interested in studying the Russian language and Russian as recently pribyvschih to Spain and want to master the basics of the original English.

The informative workshop of the Association. In the picture is Cristina Lopez together with the Association Treasurer Svetlana Byryanova

Russian cooking workshop. Our teacher of Russian cooking classes, Alena Kletsk was teaching English as they prepare "bliny."

As Russian food is yet to be discovered, the workshop attracted the attention Russian cuisine of many English who were interested in the typical food. Our teacher of Russian cooking classes, Alena Kletsk was teaching English as they prepare "bliny" and the first courses. And then after class went to the kitchen digustacion of the results of course were "sobrosisimos" and the cook Alena he won the applause of those present.

Следует отметить живой интерес, проявленный испанцами к нашим national dishes during a lesson dedicated to Russian cuisine, beautifully conducted by a teacher Alena Kletskaya. Alain showed the Spaniards how to prepare our Russian pancakes and some typical snacks. Tasty lesson results were immediately sampled by all present, and Allen earned loud applause в свою честь.

Russian educational workshop led by our Partners Loguinova Anna, Valentina Mironova and Liudmila Bondar.

The group of Russian students from Moscow Colegio Cervantes

Look where we were accompanied by a merry band of Cervantes School of Moscow of 14 boys and two Russian teachers who spend a few days in Tarragona with the aim of improving their English host families and provide them stay. Also se animaron en la fiesta del Dia de Rusia y aprovecharon esta buena oportunidad de participar contando canciones en ruso con acompañamiento de la guitarra.

At the celebration, also attended by a group of 14 students of the Moscow School of Cervantes, who along with his two teachers arrived in Tarragona at the invitation of the Association to improve the English language and living in English and Russian-English family members.
Infiltrating universal warm and friendly atmosphere of celebration, not priminuli case pouchavstvovat in the Day of RUSSIA and execute several русских песен под гитару.

Kevin Cronen guitar playing very well

the agenda of the party present Russian songs sung by the choir of the Association, a bit diminished as a result of which several members are working in the tourism sector and this year come many más turistas rusos que en temporadas anteriores: pero el coro, igual de entusiasta que siempre.
También actuaron un joven guitarrista Kevin Cronen que tocaba muy bien la guitarra y Olga Burianova que aportó un monólogo muy divertido.

Next on the program was made by the Association of Choir singing some familiar Russian songs immediately caught up room. Not without the active involvement of children in the holiday program. Very sincerely made Kevin Crohn's wonderful performed the track at gitarru, and also Olga Buryanov, artistically read an entertaining monologue.

Olga Byrianova representing very funny monologue

Although the highlight of the session it was the interpretation of a stage version of Dostoevsky's work THE IDIOT . Much improved and extended version with respect to which we had seen some months ago and proves that the theater group of the Association is making progress by leaps and bounds. As responsible for this activity are our president Antonio Rodríguez Copero, the vocal Fernando Murillo Rodriguez and direct collaboration Irina and Svetlana Burianova Gorkov, secretary and treasurer respectively, y juntos hacen todo lo posible poniendo mucho por su parte para que el teatro funcione.

But the most interesting performance that deserves special attention, was the presentation of a theatrical production of "Idiot" for similar work, FM Dostoevsky. On the audience was presented a more complete and expanded version in five acts, compared with the first short dvuhaktovoy formulation, we saw a few months ago on a holiday dedicated to Dostoevsky, Fyodor. This shows great progress in the work theatrical grup, happened in recent months. Responsible for the activities of the theater, as its President, Antonio Rodriguez, Board Member Fernando Murillo with the active assistance of the Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor and Finance Director Svetlana Buryanov make every effort to develop and further функционирования театра при Ассоциации им.Достоевского.

The work was led brilliantly by the director of theater and acted Valeria Korolkova Association members: Elena Beloborodov in Filipovna Nastacia role, Antonio Fernandez Chia Proncipe role of Myshkin, Natalia Kronen interpret 2 papers of General and Knyaginya Belokonsky, Svetlana Shilova also played 2 roles of Aglaia and a guest on paper Aleksandr Ganechka Zlobin, Fernando Murillo also in 2 roles de General y del escritor y Antonio Rodriguez en papel de Rogozhin.
in theatrical productions of "The Idiot", under the supervision of the Director of Professional Theatre Valery Korolkova as actors were The following members of the Association:
Elena Beloborodov as Nastasia Filipovny
Chia Antonio Fernandez as Prince Myshkin
Natalia Kronen played two roles - the Duchess Belokonskaya and the wife of Gen.
Svetlana Shilov, also performed two roles - Aglaia, daughter of Gen. and his wife, and the role of guest.
Alexander Zlobin as Ganechki
Fernando Murillo, also in two roles - writer and
Gen. Antonio Rodriguez in the role of Rogozhin.

A pesar de que el grupo teatral no estaba completo debido a la época estival, la gente permanece aletargada, unos por trabajo en el sector turístico y de negocio y otros de vacaciones, la presentación de la Obra "el Idiota" en 5 episodios tuvo great success and left excellent.

The people who were in the representation of the Work in the Civic Center was constantly congratulating the theater group, featuring a perfect and meticulous work by the director Valeria Korolkova well known in our environment.

Несмотря на то, что состав театральной группы был не полным из-за периода holidays and also very busy at work in the tourism sector in the summer, the play could not attend all the artists group presentation "Idiot" in 5 acts was a great success and earned loud applause from the audience. People who have seen the theatrical production "The Idiot" in the town center is constantly congratulated the actors theater group and its director, Valery Korolkova, excellent to deal with his role as Producer - director.

For example, we received the following comments ... Вот некоторые из коментариев публики, дошедшие до нас ....

«.... And Nastacia Filipovna ( our Member Elena Beloborodov ) ... amazing, like this girl acted, we were so attracted by it or did not want to lose sight of either one word .... And it was red ... a beautiful woman and very talented! " «..... A Nastassja Filipovna (Elena Beloborodov) is incredible, how she plays .... we were so impressed by her game, they did not want to lose sight of her, catching her every word ... And Besides, she was in the red dress ...... beautiful woman with great talent! »

«..... Y aquella mujer rubia que interpretaba la Generala ( nuestra Socia Natalia Kronen ), te acuerdes, impresionante !!!,,, creo que por lo menos es una profesional, porque actuar así solo puede una actriz con carrera!!! ... y además es preciosa!!! »« ... And the blonde who played the role of the general's (Natalia Kronen), remember?? How it impressed me! " I think that it is professional-actress ... as so play can only actress who graduated from the Theater School! And besides, a charming woman!

«.... A mi me gustó mucho el príncipe Myshking ( nuestro Socio Antonio Chia ) que hacia del Idiota, lo hacia muy bien ... la verdad que estuvo muy emocional y transmitiendo muchos sentimientos ... y captaba la atención del publico .... » «.... A I now like Prince Myshkin (Antonio Fernandez Chia), well, one that played the Idiot ... so well played, indeed, very emotional .... just a storm of feelings ... and certainly deserve the attention of the public ....»

«..... y el General ( nuestro Socio Fernando Murillo ) hizo un papel maravilloso, los gestos, los poses ... uf ... y además se ve enseguida que es un Señor con clase y papel de General le pega muy bien ......» «.... and General (Fernando Murillo) ... what a great game gestures and postures ... phew ... and also immediately clear that this gentleman of high society and the role of Gen. it is very suitable ...

«..... y Aglaya ( nuestra Socia Svetlana Shilova ), te acuerdes aquella bonita chica joven con un precioso peinado de la época .... Si claro, me impresionó muchísimo .... hacia todo tan bien que pensaba que toda su vida hacia el teatro ... y además hablaba un español perfecto y eso que tenia bastantes palabras .... » «.... and Aglaia (Svetlana Shilov), you Remember, this young girl with beautiful hair in the style of .... Yes, of course, It just fascinated me !!!!.... So beautifully played, it seemed that she spent all his life in the theater ... and also speak much English, but because the role of a была не маленькой ....

«...... And Rogozhin ( our Predsidente Antonio Rodríguez ) .... This?? As was true Rogozhin, without a doubt .... Just as it should be, a man of good nature but primitive behavior. The cries of fear beat ... and the gestures and faces of crazy .... Everything was perfect and I enjoyed a lot watching as acting ... .... "" И Рогожин .... (Антонио Родригез )..... Этот?? Yes .... It was a real Rogozhin, without somneniniya ... So as to be ,..... seemingly nice guy, but such a primitive ... And as much as I cried ..... shudder cast and gestures ....., and face .... crazy .... Just very best! Everything turned out fine, I liked how he played ...

Hay que destacar que los peinados artisticos fueron hechos en el estilo de la epoca del siglo 19 perfectamente logrado por nuestra Socia y peluquera Nina Khazova. It should be noted that the remarkable artistic hair in the style of the era were made a member of the Association and professional stylist, artist Nina Khazova hairstyles.

can not forget our stage actor and set designer Alexander Zlobin who spends many hours preparing a fantastic scenery, makes it so wonderful that people are thinking that the fireplace is original and truly conveys the feeling of fire ... .. Невозможно забыть нашего актера и Театрального Художника Александра Злобина, который devotes much time to prepare the stunning scenery and doing it so well that people think that, for example, fake fireplace, made them real, giving a feeling of warmth emanating from the smoldering wood in it ..

Aqui estan publicados las fotos de la Obra "EL IDIOTA"

The ceremony ended with un piscolabis al estilo ruso, exquisitamente preparado y presentado por. la profesora de clases de cocina rusa Alena Kletsko. At the end of the holiday, all participants were invited to the banquet of the Russian national dishes, carefully prepared by the teacher Russian cuisine Alena Kletskaya.
Una vez más, procede destacar el entusiasmo con que la Secretaria Irina Gorkova supera todos los obstáculos que supone organizar a tanta gente y con actividades tan diversas: música, gastronomía, banderas, folletos, etc. And once again, I would like to cancel the enthusiasm of the Registrar Association of Irina Gor, who overcomes all obstacles in organizing such a large number of people with such diverse activities as музыка, гастрономия, информация, курсы русского языка, театр ...

Let me also mention the excellent impression that caused him to utter profanity on stage as I contemplate the representation of the idiot, which was the main event: I imagine that Dostoevsky staging should not be an easy one, but they got and Faith, with great professionalism and excellent impact among the audience.

Разрешите also share a deep impression, which for me, an absolute layman in the theater, made a Theatre Production of "The Idiot". I think that the supply Dostoevsky on stage, this should not be so easy, but it failed and I think the big professional level, performing the lasting impression on all present.

¡Felicidades a todos! / ALL MY CONGRATULATIONS!


journalist and board member of the Association of Russian Culture
them. Fyodor Dostoyevsky.


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