Saturday, November 20, 2010 in the city of Tarragona, held the traditional literary and musical evening dedicated to 189 anniversary of the birth of great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. For the third year ASSOCIATION OF RUSSIAN CULTURE them. Fyodor Dostoevsky's collected on this auspicious day, a large number of Russians and Spaniards, who love and appreciate the Russian language and culture.
La ASOCIACION CULTURAL HISPANO-RUSA FIODOR DOSTOIEVSKI celebró el pasado sábado, 20 de noviembre, la que ya se ha convertido en tradicional cena conmemorativa del nacimiento del famoso escritor ruso, en este caso, el 189 º.

Pictured Association President Antonio Rodriguez opened a literary and musical evening a brief introductory speech, together with Xenia Gor'kov, acting as a translator from English into Russian.

in restaurant hall fishenebelnogo four-star Palace Hotel Pineda gathered over a hundred members and supporters of the Association at the Gala Gala Evening with a rich cultural program, organized by the Association to them. Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
En los comedores del magnífico HOTEL PALAS PINEDA, se juntó más de un centenar de socios y amigos que asistieron a los diversos actos programados para la ocasión.
Over Executive table, chaired by the President of the Association of Antonio Rodriguez, met the guests of honor in the person of the Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy Russia to Spain, A. Surikov, Vice-Mayor for Public Relations Municipality of Tarragona Manuel López PAS together with the attorneys of the Association of Jose Luis Sarmiento, Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor, also a board member of the Association of Ramon Lamas.
Presidió Antonio RODRIGUEZ junto al representante de la embajada de la Federación Rusa en España, Alexander SURIKOV 1 º Ministro Consultor de la Embajada de la Federación de Rusia en Madrid (sustituto del Embajador when you are on vacation or out of Spain) and the Deputy Mayor for Foreign Citizens Hall of Tarragona, Don Manuel Lopez PASCA, accompanied by Attorney JOSÉ LUIS SARMIENTO Association, Association Secretary IRINA Gorkov and journalist and Board member LAMAS RAMON.
На фотографии Советник-Посланника Посольства России в Испании А. В. Суриков, speaking at an evening with a welcome speech.
Pictured (left to right) Secretary of the Association of Irina Gor, Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Russia in Spain AV Surikov, President of the Association of Antonio Rodriguez, Vice-Mayor for Public Relations Municipality of Tarragona Мануэль ЛОПЕС ПАСКА
Помимо Членов Ассоциации и ее сторонников на Ужине присутствовали представители общественности и других Ассоциаций Catalunya, in particular the Association of "Rainbow" and the Association of Ossetians from Barcelona.
A parte de los miembros de la Asociación y sus Simpatizantes la Cena asistieron representantes de otras organizaciones publicas y varias Asociaciones de Cataluña, tales como la Asociación "Raduga" de Barcelona y Asociación de Osetia en Barcelona.
Association President Antonio Rodriguez opened the literary and musical evening made a brief introductory speech, after which, master of ceremonies Irina Gor, has announced about the next Festival participants.
El Presidente de Asociación Antonio Rodríguez inauguró la Cena de Gala con un corto discurso al terminar el cual la Maestra de Ceremonia Irina Gorkova anuncio el siguiente participante de la Fiesta.
Program Gala Gala Dinner included interestny literary Valentina Mironova report on the works of great Russian writer Dostoevsky, Russian romances in a magnificent performance of singer Helen Nikonorova from Madrid to the musical accompaniment of pianist Javier Barbet from Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba wonderful guitar duet performances by Kevin and Mark CROWN BISBAL.
intertwined in the program are high Valentina dissertation Mironov, who glossed the importance of Dostoevsky in the world literature and the recital of Russian romances NIKONOROVA Elena, accompanied on piano by Xavier Barbet, with performances by the guitar of Kevin CRON and Marc BISBAL grows and consolidates its repertoire.
Благодаря настойчивости, проявленной Президентом Ассоциации во время организации Piano performances, guests were able to heartily enjoy the amazing game on the piano has two wonderful virtuoso. Russian-Catalan couple Giuseppe Maria Amorós and Marina Korotkova, proved once again that the art world has no boundaries. And in the end of the evening sounded Russian folk songs by the choir of the Association under the leadership of Fernando Murillo. Choir Association played a very emotional few Russian songs, pick-up immediately all those present. Zest choir was the song "Vologda" in the company of young akordionista Maxim Osmachka.
A los postres y gracias a la constancia de nuestro Presidente pudimos disfrutar de una velada musical con un piano de cola y dos pianistas más, la pareja formada por Josep M. AMOROS excelente músico y colaborador y Marina KOROTKOVA, catalán él y rusa ella, demonstrated that the art world there are no borders, ending with the typical Russian folk songs sung by the choir of the association which, step by step and under the direction of Fernando Murillo. The Choir of the Association enthusiastically played several Russian folk songs, happily accompanied by those present. A special touch to the presentation of the choir gave the song "Vologda" sung to the accompaniment of a young accordionist Osmachko Maksim.
Уже превратившееся в традицию, самым главным
highlight of the program was the performance of our troupe, which is always support and assistance from the Association President Antonio Rodriguez, who is also involved in theatrical productions.
theater group, the Association, under the leadership of our many-sided gifted Fernando Murillo, in the audience presented a humorous play on the product of Anton Chekhov "Jubilee."
Aunque, como también es tradicional el grupo teatro, auspiciado y fomentado por nuestro Presidente Antonio Rodríguez y que también participó en la obra, fue uno de los platos fuertes del programa, igualmente bajo la dirección del polifacético MURILLO. Para esta ocasión, y con el permiso del atormentado DOSTOIEVSKI, el grupo de teatro de la Asociación escogió el más ligero juguete cómico de CHEJOV, "Celebración", que hizo las delicias de los asistentes.
The play caused a storm of positive emotions and are very pleased with all present, despite the fact that artists had very little time to prepare. The play was involved members of the Association Natalia Kronen, Chia, Antonio Fernández, Helen Beloborodov, Svetlana Shilov, Natalya Supchikova, Antonio Rodriguez and Fernando Murillo, deserved the loud applause of a grateful public.
El Espectáculo ha causado una reacción muy positiva y alegre del público a pesar that artists had very few trials and prepared the Work in record time. The show features members of the Association Nancy Kronen, Chia Antonio Fernández, Elena Beloborodov, Svetlana Shilova, Natalia Supchikova, Antonio Rodríguez and Fernando Murillo deserved applause from the appreciative audience.
Теплая и дружественная атмосфера вечера и интерес людей, проявленный к организованному event, reiterated the Association DOSTOEVSKOGO growing from year to year, and adds a list of cultural and educational projects. Each time The Association offers a growing number of activities both for the Russian, who want to maintain ties with their historical homeland, and for Catalans, which attracts the vastness and richness of Russian culture. Taking into account the growing number of Russians and people of other nationalities, close to us in spirit, such as Ukrainians, Moldovans, Belarusians, etc., as well as the continued development of tourism on the Costa Daurada, associations such as Association them. Fyodor Dostoevsky, which bears the name of a genius writer, have an important role in the integration and exchange between cultures, eastern Europe и Испании. Это особенно актуально в преддверии года России в Испании и года Испании в России, который будет насыщен разнообразными проектами, поддерживаемыми diplomatic structures and cultural organizations in both countries. Exchange, aims to ensure that people from opposite sides of Europe know each other better and were able to contribute to the development and strengthening of cross-cultural, political and social ties.
En un ambiente de camaradería, se pudo comprobar cómo la asociación DOSTOIEVSKI crece año tras año, diversified its activities and offers more and better alternatives to both Russian-speakers who wish to follow linked, they and their children, culture and language of the motherland as a Catalan who are attracted by the immensity and richness of Russian culture. Given the increase among us of residents of Russian nationality or, in some way around it, such as Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, etc. and on the other hand, the strong growth of tourism in these countries origin and destination on the Costa Dorada, partnerships such as that takes the name of the great writer are called to play an important role in the integration of people and exchange between Eastern European cultures and ours. Especially as we are looking at for next year, the celebration of Year of Russia in Spain and Spain in Russia, with a massive program protected by diplomatic and cultural delegations of both countries and people oriented to the ends of deeper European awareness and contribute to a better political and social equilibrium in times as complicated as we live.
Так во время ужина Советник-Посланник Посольства России in Spain, Alexander Surikov and Vice Mayor Manuel Lopez Paska Tarargony together with the President of the Association A. Rodriguez discussed the possibility of Tarragona in various cultural projects. Manuel Lopez Paska said interest in traditional English to Russian culture and art, and declared its support for initiatives Russian Association for the Development of cultural relations. He also announced readiness to support new projects in this area. Our association as its capabilities with the full support of the President of the Association will take in this most active part.
Así durante la Cena tanto Alexander Surikov como Manuel Lopez Pasca acompañados por nuestro Presidente pusieron sobre la mesa la posibilidad para Tarragona de varios proyectos culturales y alguno de ellos muy ambicioso. Nuestra Asociación a través de su presidente hará de enlace y participará en la medida de nuestras posibilidades. Se habló de la gran importancia y repercusión que tendrá el próximo año la celebración en ambos países del año Rusia y España.
ASSOCIATION OF RUSSIAN CULTURE them. FM Dostoevsky, with headquarters in Tarragona, uniting people from different corners of the province of Tarragona, with the support of local authorities, the Russian Embassy in Madrid and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmaking its invaluable contribution to the process of bringing people together and promotes the development of cultural relations between Spain and Russia!
Organizaciones as SPANISH-RUSSIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION Fyodor Dostoevsky, based in Tarragona and partners in all regions, with the support of local authorities and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Madrid and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Barcelona contribute to closer ties between people, to express their cultures and, ultimately, to improve knowledge and the lives of citizens, whatever country they are.
A parte de los miembros de la Asociación y sus Simpatizantes la Cena asistieron representantes de otras organizaciones publicas y varias Asociaciones de Cataluña, tales como la Asociación "Raduga" de Barcelona y Asociación de Osetia en Barcelona.
Association President Antonio Rodriguez opened the literary and musical evening made a brief introductory speech, after which, master of ceremonies Irina Gor, has announced about the next Festival participants.
El Presidente de Asociación Antonio Rodríguez inauguró la Cena de Gala con un corto discurso al terminar el cual la Maestra de Ceremonia Irina Gorkova anuncio el siguiente participante de la Fiesta.
Program Gala Gala Dinner included interestny literary Valentina Mironova report on the works of great Russian writer Dostoevsky, Russian romances in a magnificent performance of singer Helen Nikonorova from Madrid to the musical accompaniment of pianist Javier Barbet from Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba wonderful guitar duet performances by Kevin and Mark CROWN BISBAL.
intertwined in the program are high Valentina dissertation Mironov, who glossed the importance of Dostoevsky in the world literature and the recital of Russian romances NIKONOROVA Elena, accompanied on piano by Xavier Barbet, with performances by the guitar of Kevin CRON and Marc BISBAL grows and consolidates its repertoire.
Благодаря настойчивости, проявленной Президентом Ассоциации во время организации Piano performances, guests were able to heartily enjoy the amazing game on the piano has two wonderful virtuoso. Russian-Catalan couple Giuseppe Maria Amorós and Marina Korotkova, proved once again that the art world has no boundaries. And in the end of the evening sounded Russian folk songs by the choir of the Association under the leadership of Fernando Murillo. Choir Association played a very emotional few Russian songs, pick-up immediately all those present. Zest choir was the song "Vologda" in the company of young akordionista Maxim Osmachka.
A los postres y gracias a la constancia de nuestro Presidente pudimos disfrutar de una velada musical con un piano de cola y dos pianistas más, la pareja formada por Josep M. AMOROS excelente músico y colaborador y Marina KOROTKOVA, catalán él y rusa ella, demonstrated that the art world there are no borders, ending with the typical Russian folk songs sung by the choir of the association which, step by step and under the direction of Fernando Murillo. The Choir of the Association enthusiastically played several Russian folk songs, happily accompanied by those present. A special touch to the presentation of the choir gave the song "Vologda" sung to the accompaniment of a young accordionist Osmachko Maksim.
Уже превратившееся в традицию, самым главным
highlight of the program was the performance of our troupe, which is always support and assistance from the Association President Antonio Rodriguez, who is also involved in theatrical productions.
theater group, the Association, under the leadership of our many-sided gifted Fernando Murillo, in the audience presented a humorous play on the product of Anton Chekhov "Jubilee."
Aunque, como también es tradicional el grupo teatro, auspiciado y fomentado por nuestro Presidente Antonio Rodríguez y que también participó en la obra, fue uno de los platos fuertes del programa, igualmente bajo la dirección del polifacético MURILLO. Para esta ocasión, y con el permiso del atormentado DOSTOIEVSKI, el grupo de teatro de la Asociación escogió el más ligero juguete cómico de CHEJOV, "Celebración", que hizo las delicias de los asistentes.
The play caused a storm of positive emotions and are very pleased with all present, despite the fact that artists had very little time to prepare. The play was involved members of the Association Natalia Kronen, Chia, Antonio Fernández, Helen Beloborodov, Svetlana Shilov, Natalya Supchikova, Antonio Rodriguez and Fernando Murillo, deserved the loud applause of a grateful public.
El Espectáculo ha causado una reacción muy positiva y alegre del público a pesar that artists had very few trials and prepared the Work in record time. The show features members of the Association Nancy Kronen, Chia Antonio Fernández, Elena Beloborodov, Svetlana Shilova, Natalia Supchikova, Antonio Rodríguez and Fernando Murillo deserved applause from the appreciative audience.
Теплая и дружественная атмосфера вечера и интерес людей, проявленный к организованному event, reiterated the Association DOSTOEVSKOGO growing from year to year, and adds a list of cultural and educational projects. Each time The Association offers a growing number of activities both for the Russian, who want to maintain ties with their historical homeland, and for Catalans, which attracts the vastness and richness of Russian culture. Taking into account the growing number of Russians and people of other nationalities, close to us in spirit, such as Ukrainians, Moldovans, Belarusians, etc., as well as the continued development of tourism on the Costa Daurada, associations such as Association them. Fyodor Dostoevsky, which bears the name of a genius writer, have an important role in the integration and exchange between cultures, eastern Europe и Испании. Это особенно актуально в преддверии года России в Испании и года Испании в России, который будет насыщен разнообразными проектами, поддерживаемыми diplomatic structures and cultural organizations in both countries. Exchange, aims to ensure that people from opposite sides of Europe know each other better and were able to contribute to the development and strengthening of cross-cultural, political and social ties.
En un ambiente de camaradería, se pudo comprobar cómo la asociación DOSTOIEVSKI crece año tras año, diversified its activities and offers more and better alternatives to both Russian-speakers who wish to follow linked, they and their children, culture and language of the motherland as a Catalan who are attracted by the immensity and richness of Russian culture. Given the increase among us of residents of Russian nationality or, in some way around it, such as Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, etc. and on the other hand, the strong growth of tourism in these countries origin and destination on the Costa Dorada, partnerships such as that takes the name of the great writer are called to play an important role in the integration of people and exchange between Eastern European cultures and ours. Especially as we are looking at for next year, the celebration of Year of Russia in Spain and Spain in Russia, with a massive program protected by diplomatic and cultural delegations of both countries and people oriented to the ends of deeper European awareness and contribute to a better political and social equilibrium in times as complicated as we live.
Так во время ужина Советник-Посланник Посольства России in Spain, Alexander Surikov and Vice Mayor Manuel Lopez Paska Tarargony together with the President of the Association A. Rodriguez discussed the possibility of Tarragona in various cultural projects. Manuel Lopez Paska said interest in traditional English to Russian culture and art, and declared its support for initiatives Russian Association for the Development of cultural relations. He also announced readiness to support new projects in this area. Our association as its capabilities with the full support of the President of the Association will take in this most active part.
Así durante la Cena tanto Alexander Surikov como Manuel Lopez Pasca acompañados por nuestro Presidente pusieron sobre la mesa la posibilidad para Tarragona de varios proyectos culturales y alguno de ellos muy ambicioso. Nuestra Asociación a través de su presidente hará de enlace y participará en la medida de nuestras posibilidades. Se habló de la gran importancia y repercusión que tendrá el próximo año la celebración en ambos países del año Rusia y España.
ASSOCIATION OF RUSSIAN CULTURE them. FM Dostoevsky, with headquarters in Tarragona, uniting people from different corners of the province of Tarragona, with the support of local authorities, the Russian Embassy in Madrid and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bmaking its invaluable contribution to the process of bringing people together and promotes the development of cultural relations between Spain and Russia!
Organizaciones as SPANISH-RUSSIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION Fyodor Dostoevsky, based in Tarragona and partners in all regions, with the support of local authorities and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Madrid and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Barcelona contribute to closer ties between people, to express their cultures and, ultimately, to improve knowledge and the lives of citizens, whatever country they are.
Ramon Lamas
for many years!
English-Russian Cultural Association Fyodor Dostoevsky
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