From 23 to 28 August in the German city of Karlsruhe for financial support EU took a methodical workshop on standardization of foreign language teaching for adults. It was attended by leaders and teachers of public educational centers nonprofit organizations from Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain. Spain at the European Seminar represented by the Association of Russian Culture them. Fyodor Dostoevsky from Tarragona, in the face of the head of the Educational Center at the Association of Irina Gor and teacher Valentina Mironova Centre.
23 to 28 August in the German city Karlsruhe with the financial support of the European Union organized a methodological seminar on the standardization of foreign language teaching to adults. It was attended by the managers and teachers of schools of public organizations non-profit organization in Germany, Ireland, Sweden and Spain. Spain was represented by Fyodor Dostoevsky Russian Cultural Association, in particular, the head of the School Association and Professor Irina Gorkov Valentina Mironova.
Нужно noted that the participation of representatives of the Association. Fyodor Dostoevsky in the European Grundtvig educational program made possible by the full support from the European Community, Society "Icarus Intercultural Communication and the Russian language, the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in Spain, in particular the coordinator of the Association Catalunya Maria Belova, informing the Association about the emerging seminars, and leadership of the Association them. Dostoevsky, through its President, Antonio Rodriguez, placed at the disposal of the National Agency in Madrid all the necessary documents to prove active in the Association and its Education Center for three years.
Debemos mencionar que la participación de representantes de la Asociaicon Fedor Dostoievski en el programa educativo europeo Grundtvig ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de la Comunidad Europea, la sociedad "IkaRus" - "La comunicación intercultural y la lengua rusa", the Coordinating Council of Russian compatriots in Spain, in particular, the coordinator of Associations of Catalonia Maria Belova reported by the Association about the scheduled seminars and Association President Antonio Rodriguez did the paperwork to make available to the National Madrid all the necessary documentation to justify the numerous activities of the Association and its Educational Center for the past three years.
Организатором семинара выступило общество "ИкаРуС" (Germany, Karlsruhe), Chairman of the Board who is Thomas Henczel. The Company specializes in adult education and studying the phenomenon of multilingualism. The organizers of society Henczel Thomas and Catherine Kudryavtseva has accumulated vast experience in European educational programs Grundtvig, Comenius, and projects European Social Fund, funds the state of Baden-Württemberg with the primary objective - bringing together NGOs and government agencies, the joint search пути к общей цели.
The seminar was organized by the company "Ikarus" (Germany, Karlsruhe), in which the Chairman is Thomas Hentschel. The company specializes in adult education and the study of the phenomenon of multilingualism. The organizers of society Koudrjavtseva Thomas Hentschel and Ekaterina have extensive experience in European education Grundtvig, Comenius and European Social Fund projects, funds from the region Baden-Wurttemberg, whose main goal is to bring together NGOs and government agencies to find a mutual way towards the common goal.
At the August workshop, we discussed the issues of standardization and certification in the field of adult learning foreign languages \u200b\u200b(including requirements and opportunities offered by the European Language Portfolio connecting TORFL, TOEFL, TELC, etc.), having fulfilled the theoretical, practical and methodological part. During the seminar discussed subjects related to management of the educational process (curriculum, program, and their dependence on the learning objectives), new techniques teaching foreign languages, authoring training material, the European system of testing (test preparation and conduct).
The Seminar
August examine issues of standardization and certification in the field of adult education foreign language (including the requirements and opportunities of the European Language Portfolio with TRKI, TOEFL, TELC and etc) meet the theoretical, practical and methodological.
During the seminar we discussed and learned the issues related to management of the educational process (curriculum, program and its dependence on the learning objectives), new methods of teaching foreign languages, building materials with the right author, the standards of European language education, el sistema europeo de tests (la preparación y la conducta)
At the seminar we had a unique opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from other European countries. During the presentation all course participants and talking about their work were the methodical basics of how the same teaching material can be presented to different target groups. About the Association to them. Fyodor Dostoevsky, structure and principles of the Education Center at the Association told the director of the Center Irina Gor. In turn, the teacher of Russian language and literature Valentin Mironov in his speech elaborated on the issues foreign language teaching to adults. Also, the seminar discussed issues related to raising the quality level at the expense of individualization approach to students, issues of uniformity and clarify the differing needs of one group of migrants in different contexts (for example, migrants from Eastern Европы в Германию).
The seminar had a unique opportunity to exchange experiences with teachers and heads of educational centers in different European countries. During the presentation of all course participants and the exposure of their activities, we reviewed the various methodologies for groups with different objectives using the same materials. The head of the School Gorkov Irene explained to those present about the work of the Association F Dostoevsky, the structure and principles of operation of the Centre. In turn, the teacher of Russian language and literature Valentina Mironova in his speech expressed the problems of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bto adults. Also, the seminar discussed issues related to improving the quality of education through the personal attention to students, issues of consistency and clarify the different needs of a group of immigrants in different contexts (for example, immigrants Eastern Europe in Germany)
Немаловажная роль на семинаре была отведена моделям оценок language level of European locales. Lecturer E. Kudryavtseva detail the elementary and basic levels of proficiency and shared method of work. At the elementary level A1 teaching should be conducted in the native language of students using multimedia materials. Must to introduce the country map, zone, and think of other languages \u200b\u200bspoken in some regions of Russia. It is very important to describe the main features of the mentality introducing students to the Russian view of property, family and society, about the time the concept of "far-near." The following themes could be the police and a visit to the doctor, call a taxi and dating, going to restaurants and cafes, and behavior in the hotel.
En el Seminario se dieron importancia al estudio de los modelos de la valoración de nivel lingüístico según estándares lingüísticos europeos. La Profesora E. Koudrjavtseva describió detalladamente competencia lingüística en los niveles elemental y básico y working methodologies. A1 At the elementary level, teachers have to teach in the mother tongue of students using multimedia materials. It is necessary that students know the country map, time zones and other languages \u200b\u200bspoken in some regions of Russia. It is very important to describe the main characteristics of mind, explain to students the point of view of the Russians on the property, family, society, time, the concept of "far-near" The following subjects to study might be the police, medical visit, request taxi, appointments, restaurants and cafes, the behavior at a hotel. На уровне
A2 teaching part is already in the target language, and in the classroom can use the press, still without news of the economy. The main topics for communicative work is public transport, bank and currency exchange, visa and residence registration, weather and clothing. Familiarity with the mentality we can deepen, affecting, for example, a topic such as character traits Russian, acquired by the people at different rulers.
En el nivel A2, los profesores ya pueden enseñar utilizando parcialmente el idioma de aprendizaje y se puede utilizar la prensa en classes yet economic news. The main topics for communication is public transport, bank and currency exchange, visa and registration in the country of destination, weather and clothing. You can learn more deeply the Russian mindset through the Russian character traits acquired by people during the reign of various rulers.
На базовом уровне В1 и В2 темы усложняются. Здесь уже рассказывается how to behave at work, the Customs, on free time, the theater and cinema, on the representation of the property, about what can and what can not be talk to foreigners with native speakers, finally, about how representatives of different nations represent themselves to each other. If students reach the intermediate and advanced уровней (С1 или С2), необходимо отправлять их на обучение и практику в Россию.
At a basic level B1 and B2, the issues are beginning to unravel. Here, we are working on rules of behavior at work, on Customs, recreation, theater and cinema, the concept of property, about what can and what foreigners can not speak with native speakers Finally, as representatives of different naciones se imaginan el uno al otro. Si los alumnos alcanzan el nivel intermedio y avanzado (C1 y C2), es necesario que vayan a estudiar y practicar a Rusia.
Special attention is paid EA Kudryavtseva and such important aspects as control of knowledge. First, it emphasized the great practical importance of using language portfolio on a single European model, and then touched the topic of testing.
E. Koudrjavtseva prestó una atención especial a un aspecto tan importante como el control de conocimientos. En primer lugar, destacó la gran importancia práctica de la utilización del Portafolio de Lenguas según el modelo único europeo, y luego explicó el tema de los tests.
Language portfolio in recent years is gaining ground and, as we know, consists of a language passports, language biography and dossier are stored tests and other students' written work. This is nothing but a document for a phased self-assessment helping to formulate and solve the immediate goals and objectives in language learning. External evaluation of the same knowledge is given on the results of the exam, and then we come to the topic of testing в Европе вообще и по русскому языку в частности, как образец русскоязычного TOEFEL - ТРКИ.
In recent years the European Language Portfolio is gaining ground and as we know is in a language passport, language biography and the file that stores the tests and other written work done by students. In other words, is a document for a gradual self-assessment que ayuda a establecer y alcanzar metas y objetivos en el aprendizaje de idiomas. La evaluación externa se hace según resultados del examen. Aquí llegamos al tema de sistemas de tests en Europa en general y en particular de lengua rusa, como el ejemplo de habla rusa TOEFEL - TRKI.
The seminar discussed the basic principles and ideas of the Bologna Process, associated with the development a new generation of educational standards to improve the quality of educational programs and opportunities for practical application of these ideas in our учебных заведениях.
The seminar we discussed the principles and basic ideas of the Bologna Process, which are related to the development of a new generation of educational standards to improve the quality of curriculum and the ability to implement these ideas in our Schools.
Помимо вышеназванных тем, было уделено внимание вопросу поиска funding for NGOs working in the field of adult education in Europe. We learned to write projects and their progress in the country и ЕС структурах; презентации общественной организации вовне и пр.
addition to the above issues are paid attention to the issue of finding funding for public organizations working in the field of adult education in Europe. Learned how to write projects and their implementation in EU countries, presentation of public, etc.

With support «RUSSIAN WORLD FUND» at the end of the European Workshop managed to hold the European Roundtable on topics of bilingualism and how to finance the activities of Russian companies in EU countries, which was attended by leading experts in the field of work bilingual organizations in Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland and Germany: from Cologne (Eugene Rempel, "Atlanta" and the Integration Council in the City Council of Cologne); Erlanger (Svetlana Lavrov, "Bridges" and the Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots in Bavaria), Mannheim (Love Fitz, "Our World", a member of the City молодежного совета) Карлсруэ (Ирина Чернышева 'Мозаика) и др.
Thanks to support from the "Russkiy Mir" ("Russian World") at the end of this seminar at European level accomplished the European Round Table devoted to the issues of bilingualism and means of financing activity Russian associations in European countries. It was attended by leading specialists in bilingual organizations in Spain Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland and Germany: Eugenia Rempel ("Atlantic" and the Integration Council Assistant to the City of Cologne), Svetlana Lavrova ("Mosty" and the Coordination Council of Russian compatriots in Bavaria, Erlangen) Fits Liubov ("Nash mir" Council member for urban youth, Mannheim); Irina Chernysheva ("Mozaika") and other .
Основными правилами в работе с детьми-билингвами были названы following. Entre las normas principales en el trabajo con los niños bilingües fueron destacadas las siguientes.
1) The need to build on existing knowledge of children in their first language. Thus, to solve serious psychological problem: the children learn not to oppose, but to compare the two languages, two cultures and two attitude. In addition, activation of both languages позволяет сэкономить время и сделать занятия более интересными и познавательными.
1) It is necessary to rely on the expertise of existing children in their first language. Then it solves a major psychological problem: children learn not to oppose but to compare two languages, two cultures and two worldviews. Furthermore, activation of both languages permite ahorrar el tiempo y hacer las clases más interesantes y cognoscitivas.
2) Central to the process of learning should be communicative aspect, that is, priority should be given proper communication, both orally and in writing. The task of the teacher-bilingual - to teach children to navigate freely in speech situations in both languages \u200b\u200bto teach them to adequately понимать и адекватно выражаться.
2) The main aspect to look into the education process has to be the communication aspect, that is, should be given primary attention precisely to the expression, both oral and the written. The aim of the bilingual teacher, teaching children to orient themselves freely in speech situations in the two languages, teaching them to understand and speak properly.
3) Обучать языку нужно непремено instilling an interest in the country itself, its history, culture and literature. Only in this case, ownership would be a real and complete.
3) Hay que enseñar el idioma implantando el interés hacia el país mismo, a su historia, su cultura y su literatura. Solamente en este caso el dominio del idioma será autentico y verdadero.
It's no secret that the current interest in the Russian language in the West is low. Determining factor is the fact that Russia - Not a member of the European Community, and the current immigrants from Russia - not dissidents 70-80's, who owned several foreign languages \u200b\u200band open society in support of the Russian language. No, today's migrants from the CIS countries largely seen seekers an easier life, and this superficial attitude people moved and language. However the national consciousness of themselves Russian living abroad increased, and this is a welcome development. In confirmation this fact, our colleagues from Germany reported that, for example, in Germany today there are already two hundred seventy-one Russian-language schools. All they different. There is a Saturday school, relieving the regular classes at German schools have school on Sundays, when the Orthodox churches. Each of them has its own program и существуют они, в первую очередь, на средства родителей.
's no secret that at present the interest in the Russian language in the Western world is small. This is due to the fact that Russia is not a member of the European Community and the immigrants from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are dissidents from the years 70-80, dominating several foreign languages \u200b\u200band societies opened with To support the Russian language. In the current country migrants CIS, mainly Europeans seekers identify some life easier, and this superficial people, is also conveyed to the tongue. But national self-consciousness of the Russians themselves who live abroad and growing, and this is a positive development. For confirmation of this fact, our colleagues in Germany, told us that for example, that today there are already two hundred seventy-one Russian schools. All of them are different. Saturday there are schools that rent the traditional classrooms in Germany, there are Sunday schools attached to the Orthodox churches. Each has its agenda, and are subsidized mainly by parents.
Another example - the so-called home country for Russian Germans, where the teaching rate paid by the State under the law on maintaining a second native language. The most numerous are day schools with community organizations that work all week, starting three hours. There they are on the principle of self-sufficiency and offer courses for preschoolers, school children and adults.
special place occupied by the Russian-German School, which managed to enter in the state education system. Training programs for their full compliance with the standards adopted in the country, and the work of teachers paid state. And finally - paid language courses at various community organizations.
Otro ejemplo son las Casas de la Patria para los alemanes rusos, donde el sueldo de los profesores se paga por el estado, según la ley sobre el apoyo a una segunda lengua materna. Las más numerosas, son las escuelas de día prolongado adjuntas a las organizaciones públicas, that are open all week from 15.00. Work all their own, and offer courses to preschool children, schoolchildren and adults. Specifically, it highlights the rusoalemanas schools that have gotten into the state educational system, whose programs relate entirely to the estandarts in the country, and the work of teachers is paid by the state. There are also pay-language courses, attachments to various public organizations.
Семинар дал возможность участвующим in it of the Centre and teachers to look afresh at the learning process, assess the strengths and weaknesses of educational and methodical bases of their training institutions, as well as identify specific areas of reform of the educational institution to improve the quality of the learning process.
The seminar provided an opportunity for administrators of schools and teachers to look again the process of teaching, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used in their institutions and to realize the direction of these reforms to improve the quality of the educational process.
От всей души хочется поблагодарить всех тех, кто предоставил нам уникальную opportunity to participate in interesting and informative seminar, part of the European Educational Programme Grundtvig. Special thanks his hospitable organizers Catherine Kudryavtseva and Thomas Henczel, as well as the European Community for supporting such educational and cultural программ.
With all the soul we would like to thank everyone who gave us the unique opportunity to participate in this seminar very interesting and relevant cognitive Grundtvig European educational program. Expressing appreciation to the organizers Koudrjavtseva Ekaterina hospital and Thomas Hentschel and the European Community for its support of educational and cultural programs like.
Ирина Горькова,
Руководитель Образовательного Центра
Association of Russian Culture. Fyodor Dostoevsky
Irina Gorkova, responsable del Centro Educativo de
la Asociación cultural rusa F. Dostoievski
Valentina Mironova,
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature Association
Русской культуры им. Ф.
Достоевского Valentina Mironova,
Professor of Russian Language and Literature Association
Russian cultural F. Dostoevsky

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