Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Married Congratulation


On Saturday, November September National Day (National Day of Catalonia) was held nearly coincident (September 8) also in Tarragona Extremadura day, another English region, located west of the peninsula, bordering Portugal. Is the region from which came some six centuries, many of the conquerors of Latin American countries like Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, etc. One test of this conquest, interestingly, is seen in the ears and necks of women at parties and often look splendid jewels, gold, probably, brought their ancestors when they returned from America.

This region, therefore, celebrated her party annual and living in Tarragona Extremadura gathered for fellowship, singing, dancing and eating in the company of their families and friends.

Well, this party was invited to the chorus of the Association Dostoievki that despite leaving the summer, an inauspicious time for the meetings, she decided to sing in front of Extremadura, getting these accompany Russian songs with clapping and finally, they were loudly applauded. And many of the Russian songs are very catchy others, universally known and like everyone, Kalinka, Moscow Nights, Katie ... Who has not heard and hummed some time in their life? So there

went the intrepid singers, led by no less enthusiastic Fernando Murillo, acted against the public, mostly unaware of either the clothes or the Russian style and delighted the audience. Speaker of the House in Tarragona Extremadura made a gift to the president of the Dostoevsky, Antonio Rodriguez, who, coincidentally, has family origins in that region.

subsequently were the very Extremadura who performed traditional songs and danced in their region, most of them jacks.

In short, the choir of the Association Dostoevsky with grace and sparkle of Nadia Vigun and the recent addition of Josep Vincke begins to work in settings that are no longer friends and partners: a preliminary step to establish itself as coral and little by little, they can conquer the best English stages: time to time.

Ramon Lamas

Here are photos of the party ....

Speaker of the House in Tarragona Extremadura made a gift to the president of the Dostoevsky, Antonio Rodríguez.


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